Applying SERVQUAL with API for medical tourists in Medellin

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This research paper aims to conduct a data analysis using a modified SERVQUAL for medical tourist perceptions considering the city of Medellin as a medical destination. Even though, medical tourism encompasses a larger rank of industries, such as transportation or hospitality, the scope was addressed only for medical interventions; which is considered the most important stage, according to medical tourist expectations. The idea is to provide the health units taken for the survey with a better understanding of this market; help them match supply to the needs, wishes and attitudes of their foreign patients and draw up improved plans for developing their potential.A questionnaire has been developed based on a literature review of research in service quality and based on responses of the pilot survey among patients attended in 4 different hospitals in the city. To examine the dimensionality of the modified SERVQUAL scale, the 15 expectation items and 15 perception items were factor analyzed separately using principal API model. Positive and significant relationships among healthcare service quality and patient satisfaction have been found in a major percentage.The main intention is to contribute to research on healthcare services by building a comprehensive instrument of medical tourist perceived healthcare quality in the city of Medellin. The instrument would enable medical tourists to provide feedback to hospitals regarding the quality of healthcare received by them. Hospitals could use this feedback to analyze their performance, gauge patient satisfaction and benchmark their performance against competitive hospitals. This research paper aims to conduct a data analysis using a modified SERVQUAL for medical tourist perceptions considering the city of Medellin as a medical destination. Even though, medical tourism encompasses a larger rank of industries, such as transportation or hospitality, the scope was addressed only for medical interventions; which is considered the most important stage, according to medical tourist expectations. The idea is to provide the health units taken for the survey with a better understanding of this market; help them match supply to the needs, wishes and attitudes of their foreign patients and draw up improved plans for developing their potential. A questionnaire has been developed based on a literature review of research in service quality and based on responses of the pilot survey among patients attended in 4 different hospitals in the city. To examine the dimensionality of the modified SERVQUAL scale, the 15 expectation items and 15 perception items were factor analyze Positive and significant relationships among healthcare service quality and patient satisfaction have been found in a major percentage. The main intention is to contribute to research on healthcare services by building a comprehensive instrument of medical tourist perceived healthcare quality in the city ​​of Medellin. The instrument would enable medical tourists to provide feedback to hospitals regarding the quality of healthcare received by them. Hospitals could use this feedback to analyze their performance, gauge patient satisfaction and benchmark their performance against competitive hospitals.
[摘 要] 文章针对传统制图课堂教学存在的种种弊端,提出了改革的必要性;着重探讨了创新型课堂教学模式的构建。指出备好教案、运用“四段式”教学法与“四化式”教学手段是创新型课堂教学模式构建的前提、关键和保障,旨在提高中职制图课堂教学效率。  [关键词] 创新型课堂教学 “四段式”教学法 “四化式”教学法    传统的制图课堂教学存在着重教轻学;重知识灌输、轻能力培养,形式单一、教法呆板
[摘 要] 近年来,随着新课程实施的不断深入,教研员和教师们日益关注课堂教学的实效性问题,有关“有效教学”的讨论十分热烈。特别是对复习课的有效性更为关注。本文是笔者通过参加研修班学习的时一堂复习课的设计与反思,来最大限度地提高课堂教学,实现教学双赢。  [关键词] 函数 导数 单调性    一、教材分析  1、教材处理  本节课是人教版选修1-1第三章导数及其应用章节复习的内容。主要
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