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1994年5月31日,南通市新闻媒介报道了一则令人震惊的消息:原南通市人民政府副秘书长宋决平,利用职务之便,收受贿赂,数额较大,构成受贿罪,于5月30日由南通市人民检察院决定依法逮捕。 消息传出,全市上下议论纷纷。有人说,怪不得宋决平家这么富,原来是受贿得来的!有人说,他平时在福利待遇上从不计较,也主动上缴过收受的礼金、礼品,怎么会伸手要人家的钱财呢?也有人说,他因小失 On May 31, 1994, the media in Nantong reported a shocking news: Song Jubing, former deputy secretary general of Nantong Municipal People’s Government, took advantage of his position to accept bribes in large amounts, thus constituting a crime of accepting bribes. On May 30, Nantong People’s Procuratorate decided to arrest according to law. The news came out that the city was talking up and down. Some people say that it is no wonder Song Jueping home so rich, the original was bribery! Some people say that he usually does not care about the welfare treatment, but also voluntarily turned over the gifts received, gifts, how to reach out to someone else’s money? Some people say he was a small loss
当金钱和权力结合在一起的时候,腐化堕落便有了滋生的土壤。 When money and power are combined, there is a breeding ground for corruption and degradation.
短短10个月,他走完了漫漫人生路…… In just 10 months, he finished his long life ...
Overactive bladder(OAB) syndrome is a condition which affects 16.9% of women and 16.2% of men with a significant negative impact on quality of life. It is a con
Faecal incontinence(FI) is a disabling and frequent symptom since its prevalence can vary between 5% and 15% of the general population. It has a particular nega