“堤外”损失“堤内”补 内部挖潜增效益

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我厂是一个以生产薄型机制纸为主的小型企业.在原材料涨价、成本提高的情况下,我们决定“堤外”损失“堤内”补,在加强企业管理,挖掘内部潜力上作文章,从降低能耗物耗上争效益.今年上半年完成工业产值为年计划的68.8%,比去年同期增长21.7%,实现利润为年计划的117%,比去年同期增长1.5倍,提前和超额完成了全年利润计划.我们主要采取了四条措施: 一是充分发挥优势,利用本地资源.我县地处山丘,造纸原料品种多,能够满足我厂造纸的需要.去冬以来,我厂收购麦草、杂竹和巴茅杆等本地原料2,916吨,每吨平均价格110元,比过去从外地收购的 Our factory is a small enterprise which mainly produces thin machine paper. Under the condition of increasing raw material prices and increasing costs, we have decided that “external damage” and “inside dike” make up, strengthening corporate management and tapping internal potential. Make an article, from the reduction of energy consumption material to compete for efficiency. In the first half of this year, 68.8% of the annual industrial output value plan was completed, an increase of 21.7% over the same period of last year, and the profit realized was 117% of the annual plan, an increase of 1.5 times compared with the same period of last year. Overfulfilled the full-year profit plan. We took four major measures: First, give full play to our advantages and use local resources. Our county is located in the hills and there are many varieties of papermaking materials that can meet the needs of our papermaking factory. Since the winter, I The factory purchased 2,916 tons of local raw materials such as wheat straw, miscellaneous bamboo and barfoot poles, with an average price of 110 yuan per ton, which was more than the previous purchase from overseas.
电子工业部最近在南京召开行业财会管理专题座谈会,就体制改革,企业下放后,电子行业财会工作如何管理的问题,举行了专题座谈. 会议交流了情况和经验,重点就江苏省电子厅和会
1986年9月20日~9月22日,日本 ADTEK(爱德得克)系统科学公司在上海市计算技术研究所举办了微型计算机技术交流和产品演示会。ADTEK 系统科学公司已有四十年历史,近几年该公司
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