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工农兵学员上大学,实行开门办学,坚持教育与生产劳动相结合,理论与实践相结合,不仅使学生学到了理论知识,又学会了解决社会主义建设中的一些实际问题。他们来自工农,不忘工农,毕业之后能够很好地和工农结合在一起,在阶级斗争、生产斗争和科学实验中发挥了积极的作用,这是旧大学出来的学生所不能比拟的。本刊这期介绍的是这些工农兵学员一部分科研设计成果。当前,教育战线形势大好。在毛泽东思想哺育下,一代有社会主义觉悟又有文化的劳动者正在茁壮成长。这是对右倾翻案风的有力回击! Workers, peasants and soldiers went to colleges and started to run schools. They insisted that education be combined with productive labor. The combination of theory and practice not only enabled students to acquire theoretical knowledge, but also learned to solve some practical problems in socialist construction. They came from the workers and peasants and did not forget the workers and peasants. After graduating, they were able to integrate well with the workers and peasants and played an active role in the class struggle, production struggle, and scientific experiments. This was something that students from old universities could not match. This issue of this issue is part of the research and design achievements of these workers, peasants and soldiers. At present, the situation on the educational front is excellent. Under the nurture of Mao Zedong Thought, a generation of laborers with socialist consciousness and culture are thriving. This is a powerful counterattack against the right-wing case.
01.某校校办工厂自行设计生产了一种新型时尚雨伞,请根据下表内容,为该品牌的雨伞写一段100词左右的广告语刊登在某英语学习报上: 01. A school-run school has designed and
主要款式:校队毛衣/皮革中型裙/蕾丝裤/毛衣裙套装/莱特曼夹克/条纹皮草外套  颜色:黑色/白色/灰色/黄色/钴蓝色/海军蓝色/酒红色/亮粉红色  面料+装饰:羊毛针织/平针织物/尼龙/羊毛西装面料/百褶雪纺/真丝/蕾丝/绗缝皮革/牛仔布/染色毛皮/珠片/亮片  印花+图案:虎纹/校队字母/千鸟/杂色条纹/格子  佩饰+鞋类:棒球帽/背包/行李袋/踩靴/登山鞋/运动鞋
中国人把春节叫过年,那“年”究竟是什么呢?你听过“年”的故事吗? The Chinese call the Spring Festival the New Year. What is the “year”? Did you hear the story o
风儿轻轻叩响我的窗,  咳,过来帮忙,  摇一摇春天的铃铛!  我飞向山岗,  摇一摇铃铛,  小溪听见潺潺奔向远方,  山坡听见忙换上新装,  蒲公英听见亮起了鹅黄。  我飞向丛林,  摇一摇铃铛,  枝儿的嫩芽刚刚探出脑袋,  鸟儿的鸣叫已经婉转悠扬,  垂柳快快把绿色的丝绦挂上。  我飞向蓝天,  摇一摇铃铛,  水珠儿在云朵里欢唱,  春来了,  雨来了,  叮——咚,  叮——当。  (