
来源 :临床输血与检验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaa3cbbfm
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目的观察手工法和全自动机器制备冰冻、解冻红细胞在冰冻、融化、洗涤后的质控指标,比较两种方法对红细胞保存效果的差异。方法各取12例保养液为输血用复方枸橼酸钠注射液(ACD-B)的全血,于采血后6d内离心制成红细胞制剂,使用手工和全自动机器直接滴入红细胞低温保护剂,-80℃冰冻保存数日后取出融化,再分别使用手工和全自动机器进行洗涤。于融化后即刻以及洗涤后即刻分别取样测定红细胞回收率、游离血红蛋白。结果与手工法相比,使用全自动机器保存、洗涤的冰冻红细胞,其红细胞回收率明显升高,游离血红蛋白明显减少。结论使用全自动机器保存、洗涤红细胞的效果好、保存时间长、洗涤时间短,完全可以替代手工方法。 Objective To observe the quality control parameters of frozen and thawed red blood cells after freezing, thawing and washing by manual method and automatic machine, and to compare the difference in the preservation effect of red blood cells by the two methods. Methods 12 whole blood samples were taken from the blood of compound sodium citrate injection (ACD-B) for blood transfusion. The red blood cell preparation was centrifuged within 6 days after blood collection. The red blood cell cryoprotectant was directly instilled using manual and automatic machines. , -80 °C frozen storage removed after a few days to melt, and then use manual and automatic machines for washing. Samples were taken immediately after thawing and immediately after washing to determine red blood cell recovery and free hemoglobin. Results Compared with the manual method, the use of a fully automated machine to preserve and wash frozen erythrocytes showed a significant increase in red blood cell recovery and a significant reduction in free hemoglobin. Conclusion The use of a fully automatic machine to preserve and wash red blood cells has good effects, long storage time, and short washing time. It can completely replace manual methods.
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