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2011年12月31日上午,由云南省民族学会、云南省民族商会联合举办的纪念赛典赤诞辰800周年座谈会在昆明召开。云南省政协原主席刘树生,省人大常委会原常务副主任、省关工委主任张宝三,省政协原常务副主席赵廷光,省政协副主席、省伊斯兰教协会会长马开贤等领导出席了座谈会。来自部分高校、科研院所、社会团体的专家、学者共70多人参加了座谈会。座谈会由省民族学会副会长、省民族商会秘书长杨振主持。座谈会上,首先宣读了中共云南省委副书记、代省长李纪恒的贺信。与会专家、学者围绕举办座谈会的目的、意义及赛典赤的贡献、国内外赛典赤研究状况等作了热烈讨论,达成共识并一致建议,今后研究、宣传赛典赤应注重为现实服务,即全方位、多形式地利用赛典赤名人效应,打造赛典赤文化品牌,开发赛典赤文化产业;在赛典赤陵园内或其余适当地点建立纪念馆并为赛典赤塑像,使该处在成为爱国主义教育基地的同时,也成为一处重要的旅游文化景点,同时利用赛典赤研究成果到与其有历史渊源或文化联系的国家如伊朗、乌兹别克斯坦、沙特阿拉伯、泰国、缅甸等国家开展对外文化交流;在纪念赛典赤的忠爱坊旁以中、英、阿拉伯、波斯文镌刻赛典赤事迹、功绩。与会者一致表示,今后一定要继承和发扬先贤哲人的爱国主义精神,并按李代省长在贺信中指出的“继续在挖掘和发展民族文化事业上发挥积极作用,为把我省建设成为民族团结进步、边疆繁荣稳定的示范区作出新贡献”而努力奋斗。 On the morning of December 31, 2011, a symposium was held in Kunming on the 800th anniversary of the founding ceremony of the commemorative race, which was jointly organized by the Yunnan Ethnic Institute and the Yunnan Ethnic Chamber of Commerce. Liu Shusheng, former chairman of CPPCC Yunnan Provincial Committee, former deputy director of Provincial Standing Committee of People’s Political Consultative Conference, Zhang Baosan, director of Provincial Work Committee, Zhao Tingguang, former vice chairman of CPPCC Provincial Committee, and Ma Kaixian, vice chairman of Provincial CPPCC and Ma Kai-hsien, president of provincial Islamic Association attended the symposium. More than 70 experts and scholars from some universities, research institutes and social organizations attended the symposium. The symposium was chaired by Yang Zhen, vice president of the provincial ethnological society and secretary general of the Provincial Ethnic Chamber of Commerce. At the symposium, the congratulatory message of Li Jiheng, deputy secretary of the CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee and acting governor, was first read out. Experts and scholars attending the symposium held heated discussions on the purpose and significance of the symposium, the contribution of the Syndicate, the research status of the Syndicate at home and abroad, reached consensus and unanimously recommended that future research and publicity should be focused on serving the reality , That is, all-round and multi-form use of race Code red celebrity effect, to create 赛 Code red cultural brand, development race Code red culture industry; in the game Cemetery or other appropriate sites to establish a memorial hall red statue, make the While becoming a patriotic education base, it has also become an important tourism and cultural attraction. At the same time, it uses the Syrian Code research achievements to reach countries with historical origins or cultural ties such as Iran, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Myanmar, etc. The state carried out cultural exchanges with foreign countries; in the memorial contest Chibi loyalty Square next to China, Britain, Arabia, Persian engraved match Reddy performance, merit. The participants unanimously expressed the view that in future, we must inherit and carry forward the patriotism of the sages and governed them. According to what the Governor Li Dai pointed out in his congratulatory letter, “we will continue to play an active role in tapping and developing our national culture so as to build our province into a National unity and progress, the border area of ​​prosperity and stability of the demonstration area to make new contributions ”and work hard.
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