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  1. What _______ public is concerned about is whether _______workers and scientists will be able to find_______ cure for this new disease.
  A. the; 不填; aB. the; the; the
  C. 不填; 不填; aD.不填; the; the
  2. When the virus of bird flu manages to get into one’s body, one is surely _______with the disease.
  A. infectedB. influenced
  C. destroyedD. affected
  3. With his son_______, the old man felt unhappy.
  A. to disappointB. to be disappointing
  C. disappointingD. being disappointed
  4. Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she _______died.
  A. eventuallyB. willingly
  C. unexpectedlyD. disappointedly
  5. According to a UN report, one third of the world population have no _______to clean drinking water and health care.
  A. meansB. approachC. channelD. access
  6. _______Diana, another ten students failed in the math examination.
  A. Except forB. Apart from
  C. Rather thanD. As well as
  7.—I wonder why he has been acting so strange these days.
  —Recent pressure at work may _______his behavior.
  A. account forB. make for
  C. change forD. stand for
  8.—Do you_______ my optimistic view about the current economy of our country?
  —Of course. Our country can weather the financial storm in a better shape than other countries.
  A. compromise onB. submit to
  C. correspond toD. subscribe to
  9. The temperature will fall sharply the day after tomorrow, when a snowstorm _______to strike our area.
  A. expectsB. has expected
  C. is expectedD. will be expected
  10. “Neal, listen,” she said, looking straight at him. “I ask you not to get_______ in this kind of matter. It’s none of your business.”
  A. caughtB. involved
  C. attachedD. connected
  11. It won’t make much _______whether you agree or not.
  A. difficultyB. trouble
  C. differenceD. matter
  12. Five people_______ in age from 16 to 19 were killed in a street shooting early Saturday, the most violent crime reported in this small city.
  A. changingB. rangingC. reachingD. getting
  13. HIV and Aids are spreading across the world at a _______rate, with about 14,000 people daily_______.
  A. frightened; infected
  B. frightening; being infected
  C. frightened; infecting
  D. frightening; infecting
  14. What a pity it is that Bob_______ into the habit of smoking at such an early age!
  A. developedB. slid
  C. switchedD. skipped
  15. Yao Ming, the Chinese basketball star, is _______many American people.
  A. familiar toB. familiar with
  C. famous forD. famous as
  1. The house is so old that its roof is always_______ (渗漏) in several places when it rains.
  2. The man pulled a gun, and two of the women near me started_______ (尖叫).
  3. The doctor wrote me a_______ (处方) for medicine for my cough.
  4. While it is generally true to say that humans like color, our choices are_______ (没有必要地) random.
  5. Our parents were strict and we were frequently_______ (责骂) for our bad behavior.
  6. While he working on his composition, he found suddenly his nose_______ (流血).
  7. Thanks to his capacity, Jack has been _______pto senior manager.
  8. The survey shows that most s_______would like to stop smoking.
  9. Seven people died of t_______after their truck broke down on an isolated desert road.
  10. In such hot temperatures, milk goes s_______very quickly.
  at risk; provide…for; under a lot of pressure; warn…of; commit suicide; 
  rebel against; choke back; in the first place; in some cases; go jogging
  1. My father likes_______ after dinner every day.
  2. The police are always_______ the people here_______ burglars.
  3. Nowadays many students and teachers are working_______.
  4. Women are more _______from the harmful effects of alcohol than men.
  5. The clinic will_______ basic health care _______people in the community.
  6. The second time, like the first, no one could say for certain she had been trying to_______.
  7. _______ the living standards of people have greatly improved.
  8. He _______tears as he described what had happened to himself.
  9. The novel tells the story of a teenager who _______ his father.
  10. After class, the teacher raised a question_______ and then the students started to discuss it.
  四、动词填空 (用所给动词的适当形式填空)
  1. Dr. David Ho, a Chinese American leading Aids expert, has devoted his body and soul to_______ (bring) up-to-date technology and international attention to China’s Aids problem.
  2. The United Nations has been very _______ (involve) in fighting Aids and HIV around the world for many years now.
  3. He said that he was trying to quit_______ (go) there, but it seems that he has not been able to yet.
  4. As many smokers may tell you, nicotine is very physically addictive, which is why many people have trouble_______ (give) up smoking.
  5. Sometimes _______ (infect) people have no outward symptoms, so they don’t know that they are carriers.
  6. He believes that educating people at risk is the key to_______ (stop) the disease in the future.
  7. Unprotected sex is the most common way that the virus is spread, _______ (account) for 75% of adult infections worldwide.
  8. The exchange program between the UK and China may affect various schools, _______ (range) from kindergartens to high schools.
解几问题是以代数方法求解几何问题,一般求解思路易找,规律性强,但是由于运算十分繁琐,常常会使同学们解题陷入困境,以致对求解此类问题丧失信心.因此,运用所学知识灵活处理、克服思维定势、尽可能减少运算量已成为迅速、准确求解此类问题的关键.对此,与同学们谈一下如何简化解几运算的策略.  一、回归定义  教材中给出了圆锥曲线的两种定义,第一定义展示了三类圆锥曲线各自独特的性质和几何特征;第二定义则深刻揭示
前一时间,我应邀到苏州五中高三上了一堂作文课,题目“瞧,这个人”,是课本必修四第二单元第一个作文题,教学目的是示范记叙文升格,关键是学会记叙文的细节描写。课后,任秋颖同学在QQ上和我又作了交流。现整理如下:    【原稿】  瞧,这个人  苏州五中高三 任秋颖    生活了17年,遇到过许许多多形形色色的人,有的在我的记忆中已经模糊,但有一个人在我的记忆中留下了很深刻的印象。  她是我的朋友。  
一、填空题  1.已知集合A={2,4,6,8,10},B={1,4,7,10,13},则A∩CNB= .  2.已知集合A={x|x1},则A∩B= .  3.若函数y=(x-2)(x+a)是偶函数,则a= .  4.函数f(x)=1x2lg\x2-5x+4+-x2+2x+3\〗的定义域是 .  5.函数f(x)=x13-sinx+2,(x∈R).若f(k)=-3
一、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)  请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。  1. Centuries ago, man discovered that removing moisture (水分) from food helps to preserve it, and that the easiest way to do this is
重点、难点分析  1. bathe vt. 用水清洗 (尤指身体部位);给……洗澡  Pleas bathe the wound first and then apply a clean dressing. 请先清洗伤口,然后用洁净敷料包扎好。  Do you bathe the baby every day? 你每天都给婴儿洗澡吗?  vi. 洗澡,沐浴  He is so lazy t
【导读】一直觉得是竹子那高雅的姿态和纤秀的外表让苏东坡吟出“宁可食无肉,不可居无竹。无肉令人瘦,无竹令人俗。”这样的句子。直至静下心来细细观察竹子,才真正领会到:竹子的高雅并非在于它摇曳生姿的翠竿,而在于那“雪压不倒,风吹不折”(郑板桥语)的韧性。这篇文章让我再一次对竹子肃然起敬。一起来体会竹子的生活态度:Bend, but don’t break!   The lesson of bamboo
论述类文本阅读的题目具有较强的逻辑性、综合性和一定的探究性,历来是文本阅读的重点,也是考生的难点。复习时不但要把握论述类文本自身的特点,备考时尤需关注科技、文化、时事方面的一些热点话题。解答论述类文本,要讲求一定的策略,不能眉毛胡子一把抓。  首先,通读全文,整体把握。  论述性文本往往学术性比较强,因此,要从整体上把握文本内容,明确文本阐释的话题,作者所持的观点,文中所用的材料及其作用,以及文章
立体几何是高中数学的重要内容,是高考中重点考查的内容之一,重点考查空间想象能力、推理论证能力和运算能力。考查要求是:能够根据题设条件想象并作出正确的平面直观图形,能够根据平面直观图形想象出空间图形;能够正确地分析出图形中基本元素及其相互关系,并能够对空间图形进行分解和组合。下面结合08、09年高考试题谈谈立体几何中的考点分析及解题策略。  考点一:柱、锥、台、球及其简单组合体  【典型考题1】(2