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根据《国务院关于建立统一的企业职工基本养老保险制度的决定》(国发[1997]26号)精神,为促进我省基本养老保险制度改革,进一步巩固、完善我省基本养老保险省级统筹制度,现就加强我省1998年度省级统筹工作有关问题通知如下:一、统筹范围和对象。凡在我省境内的城镇国有企业(含改制企业,下同)、集体企业的职工(国务院另有规定的除外)和离退休人员,均纳入全省城镇企业职工退休费用省级统筹范围。二、统筹基金的征集、调剂和上缴。(一)基金征集。各市、地、州按纳入省级统筹范围的职工工资总额的1%上缴省社会保险 In accordance with the spirit of the State Council’s Decision on Establishing a Unified Pension System for Enterprise Employees (Guo Fa [1997] No. 26), in order to promote the reform of the basic pension insurance system in our province and further consolidate and improve the overall system of provincial-level basic pension insurance co-ordination , We hereby announce the following issues on strengthening the province’s 1998 provincial co-ordination work as follows: I. Overall scope and targets. All state and township enterprises (including restructured enterprises) and collective-owned enterprises (except as otherwise stipulated by the State Council) and retired personnel in the territory of the province shall be included in the province-level overall planning for the retirement expenses of urban enterprises in the province. Second, co-ordination fund collection, transfer and turn over. (A) Fund Call. All cities, prefectures and prefectures handed over provincial social insurance according to 1% of the total wages of staff and workers who are included in the provincial-level overall planning
人脑是智力发育的物质基础。营养是小儿大脑发育的物质条件。哪些食物有助于小儿脑发育及智力发展呢? 一、鸡蛋。鸡蛋内含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、卵磷脂、维生素A、B_2、B_6
省建设厅商有关部门制订的《贵州省房屋产权验证和房屋登记工作方案》已经省人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请按照执行。 Provincial Department of Construction business de
超电位 离子在电极上的实际(放电)电位与理论(放电)电位的差值。人们把离子在电极上放电的实际电位称为离子析出电位,它与平衡(理论)电位的差值的绝对值即为该离子的超电位。