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  ASEAN-China Week Grandly Opened
  By ASEAN-China Centre (ACC)
  On 23 May 2016, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations, the ASEAN-China Week, hosted by ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), was grandly opened at the ACC Secretariat. More than 100 participants, including ACC Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, H.E. Mr. Kong Xuanyou, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Ambassadors of ASEAN Member States to China, H.E. Mr. Hu Zhengyue, Vice President of China Public Diplomacy Association (CPDA), representatives from relevant ministries of China, business and academy circles as well as media of both sides, attended the opening ceremony.
  Secretary-General Yang Xiuping extended her sincere appreciation for the strong support rendered by all walks of life of ASEAN and China to the event. She expressed that 2016 was the pivotal year to ASEAN-China relations. ACC hosted the ASEAN-China Week, aiming to implement the important consensus of the leaders of ASEAN and China, to further promote functional cooperation in various fields encompassing trade, investment, education, culture, tourism, etc., through a series of commemorative activities. There were new changes in ASEAN and China comparing with 25 years ago. However, economic development and improvement of people’s livelihood were still the common tasks. Win-win cooperation, development and prosperity were the common needs and goals of both sides. The development of China and ASEAN was an opportunity for each other. Looking ahead, ASEAN-China relations have bright prospects. ACC, with a pioneering and innovative spirit, would like to strengthen frequent exchange and communication with all relevant parties in ASEAN and China, and spare no efforts to make new contributions to promoting ASEAN-China functional cooperation and increasing mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.   Assistant Minister Kong Xuanyou said that over the past 25 years of ASEAN-China dialogue relations, with the joint efforts of both sides, political mutual trust had been constantly enhanced, economic and trade cooperation had achieved substantial results, and cooperation in various fields had been continuously deepened. ASEAN-China relations had become the most active among all the relations between ASEAN and its dialogue partners, which had not only strongly promoted the economic and social development of both sides, but also made important contributions to peace, stability and development in the region. As one of the important activities of commemorating the 25th anniversary, the ASEAN-China Week was of great significance, which fully has reflected the positive and progressive, and constatnly deepened cooperation between the two sides. The Week gave full display to the important feature of people-to-people connectivity, and would inject new impetus into promoting the sustainable and stable development of ASEAN-China relations. China, together with ASEAN Member States, would take the opportunity of commemorating the 25th anniversary to continuously consolidate the basis of mutual trust, focus on functional cooperation, and promote the “2+7” cooperation framework, with emphasis on organizing the Commemorative Summit in September 2016, with a view to initiating a better future of ASEAN-China relations.
  Ambassador of Lao PDR H.E. Mme. Vandy Bouthasavong, on behalf of ASEAN, expressed that since ASEAN and China had become dialogue partners from 1991, the relations and cooperation between both sides had been developed and expanded into all areas. 2016 marks the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and also ASEAN-China Year of Educational Exchange. It would contribute to further strengthening the cooperation, friendship and exchange among the young people of both sides. She highly valued the significance of the ASEAN-China Week hosted by ACC, and believed that ACC would make more remarkable progress in the years to come, in terms of promoting functional cooperation and friendship between ASEAN and China. Lao PDR and Embassies of ASEAN Member States in China would continue to support the work of ACC. As the rotating Chair of ASEAN, Lao PDR would try its best to ensure the success of the ASEAN Summit and other related Summits including ASEAN-China Commemorative Summit.
  Secretary-General Yang Xiuping, Assistant Minister Kong Xuanyou, and ASEAN Ambassadors to China cut the ribbon together to announce the official opening of the ASEAN-China Week.   “A Blaze of Colours, A Ray of Beauty”: Exhibition of Chinese Paintings with the theme of National Flowers of ASEAN Countries was held after the Opening Ceremony. It was co-hosted by CPDA and ACC, implemented by He Shuifa Art Museum. CPDA Vice President Hu Zhengyue expressed that the artist He Shuifa was invited to produce the paintings with theme of Chinese peony and the national flowers of ASEAN countries, and hold the exhibition. It was both congratulation on the cooperation achievements between ASEAN and China, and blessing to the people of friendly neighbors. He hoped relations between the two sides with luxuriant foliage. Mr. He Shuifa said that flowers symbolized warmth and friendliness. The friendship between ASEAN and China was blooming like spring flowers. As an artist, he hoped to use a feast of flowers to celebrate the opening of ASEAN-China Week and the 25th anniversary. Secretary-General Yang Xiuping, Assistant Minister Kong Xuanyou, Vice President Hu Zhengyue and Artist He Shuifa, donated the paintings to the ten Embassies of ASEAN countries in Beijing.
  ASEAN-China Week lasted until 30 May, including Seminar on ASEAN Economic Community, ASEAN-China Tourism Cooperation Forum, Exhibition of ASEAN-China Academies of Fine Arts, ASEAN Ambassadors’ Lecture, ASEAN-China Relations Photo Exhibition, ASEAN-China Students’ Day, ASEAN Gourmet Festival, etc.
10月7日,新加坡和马来西亚政府就新隆高铁计划联合发出信息征询书,以评估及探询市场对这项计划的兴趣和意见,这也标志着这项备受瞩目的跨边界计划迈入了新的里程碑。  新加坡基础建设统筹部长兼交通部长许文远:新隆高铁将全面改变新马两国及人民之间的互动格局,是两国最重要的双边合作计划,将成为区域合作的典范。这项计划将带来巨大的发展潜能,催化经济增长,开启全新的合作机遇,并改变两国人民和商家互动的方式。由于
马来西亚《光华日报》8月4日发表题为《发挥优势与“一带一路”接轨》的评论员文章,文章摘编如下:  对于中国国家主席习近平提出的“一带一路”宏图大计,马来西亚是展开双臂大力欢迎的,因为在全球经济展望不明朗,以及欧美国家经济疲弱的时候,中国愿意将资本以及产能输出,无疑将对世界经济带来振兴的作用。  所以,不论在政治或是经济上,都与中国建立起良好关系的马来西亚非常看好“一带一路”,并将根据“一带一路”宏
10月16日,马来西亚中国银行帮助客户东泰期货公司成功完成首笔人民币保证金的结算工作,该笔保证金也成为马来西亚衍生品交易所接受的首笔人民币交易保证金。  马来西亚中国银行于2015年4月正式被马来西亚衍生品交易所接纳为结算会员银行,是唯一一家可以办理全部9个保证金货币的结算会员银行。中国银行副行长朱鹤新表示,马来西亚是“一带一路”沿线重要的大宗商品出口国,中行直接参与马来西亚衍生品市场的交易,将极
偌大的中国钦州坭兴陶产业园内,张传仪对展览馆内300多件中国坭兴陶经典尚品如数家珍,不时为记者指点。“中国丹青浓淡转轴的笔锋与细腻的坭兴素胚融合,完美诠释了陶器的艺术。”  这些展品大部分来自张传仪任秘书长的钦州坭兴陶行业协会,是从中国各地坭兴陶收藏家的藏品中精选而出。藏品自唐宋到现代具齐,完好地展现了坭兴陶工艺发展的历史轨迹。  坐落于中国西南的滨海城市钦州,素有“中国坭兴陶之都”美誉。坭兴陶为
10月22日,银联国际与中国银行新加坡分行共同宣布,发行当地首张银联白金借记卡(卡号以62开头),进一步丰富新加坡市场的银联卡产品体系。  该银联白金借记卡是人民币、新加坡元双币种国际支付卡,可在包括新加坡在内的全球150多个国家和地区的银联受理网络使用。
Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN Xu Bu has said China and ASEAN will achieve broader and deeper cooperation as they have entered the “diamond decade” of their relations. Speaking in a seminar, which marks
马来西亚是东盟国家中最大的对华贸易伙伴。近十年来,中马两国关系和经贸合作高速发展,马来西亚的燕窝、清真食品、棕榈油等产品通过中国—东盟博览会等渠道,已经进入中国市场,深受中国消费者的欢迎。而中国的电子和工业产品也在马来西亚找到了发展机遇,海尔、华为、OPPO、VIVO等中国电子产品广告,在马来西亚吉隆坡、槟城街头处处可见。  在第12届中国—东盟博览会即将开幕之际,《中国—东盟博览》杂志记者在吉隆
日用消费品、工艺礼品、家居装饰品、电子高科技商品……9月18-21日,第12届东博会将在南宁华南城举办轻工展,展出来自中国、东盟和其他“一带一路”沿线国家最具代表性的轻工精品,举行系列精彩活动,在促进各国轻工业交流合作的同时,扩大“一带一路”沿线国家轻工精品知名度和市场。  更多区域外企业商家参展  第12届东博会以“共建21世纪海上丝绸之路——共创海洋合作美好蓝图”为主题,吸引了更多国内外轻工企