Screen Time Can Mess with the Body's “Clock” 看屏幕时间过长会扰乱生物钟

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  Reading on an iPad in the evening can make it hard for the body to fall asleep. For a good night’s sleep, here is some expert advice: Turn off, turn in and drop off.
  Anyone who does the opposite—say, turning on an iPad or other similar electronic reader in bed—may have a harder time both dropping off to sleep and shaking that groggy1 feeling the next morning. That’s the conclusion of a new study.
  Sleep experts at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston found that the light from a tablet2 computer upsets the body’s internal clock. They reported their findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. And that can create real health and safety risks, the researchers say. Reading a printed book did not have the same effect. An internal “clock” helps regulate3 when we eat, sleep and wake. Exposure to the light of day and darkness of night keeps its timing set to a roughly 24-hour cycle.
  For instance, starting about two hours before bedtime, our brains start to produce a hormone called melatonin4. It signals5 our internal clock that darkness has fallen. It also prepares the body for sleep. Scientists long have known that light at night can disrupt6 that internal clock. And it does so by suppressing7 melatonin.
  Electronic devices with lit screens are now hugely popular. They have added another source of artificial light at night. The new study looked specifically8 at the iPad. For their new study, the researchers recruited six men and six women, all in their mid 20s. Over two weeks, each spent four hours reading each evening before a 10 p.m. bedtime. The volunteers read on an iPad for five nights in a row. On another five consecutive9 evenings they read a printed book. The researchers noted how long it took the volunteers to fall asleep, how long they spent asleep and how long they remained in each stage of sleep. The experts also took blood samples to measure melatonin levels. People took nearly 10 minutes longer to fall asleep, on average, after reading on the iPads. There was no difference in hours spent sleeping after reading from either the iPad or a printed book. But how volunteers felt the next day did differ.   带有照明屏幕的电子设备现在是炙手可热的产品。它们为夜晚人造光增添了另一种新形式。新研究把关注重点放在了苹果平板电脑上。在新研究中,研究者招募了六男六女共12个志愿者,年龄均在25岁左右。在长达两个星期的研究过程中,每个志愿者在每天晚上10点(睡觉的时间点)之前花四个小时阅读。这十二个志愿者连续五个晚上用苹果平板电脑阅读,另外五个晚上阅读纸质书籍。研究者记录下研究对象入睡需花费的时间,睡眠时长,以及每个阶段的睡眠持续时间。专家还采集了血样以测量褪黑素值。(结果显示)那些睡前用苹果平板电脑的人比不用的人平均需多花十分钟才能入睡。然而不管是用苹果平板电脑阅读还是看紙质书籍,睡眠时长都没有差别。差别在于志愿者隔天的精神状况。
  “Our most surprising10 finding was that individuals using the e-reader would be more tired and take longer to become alert the next morning,” says sleep researcher Anne-Marie Chang.
  Regularly getting too little sleep can pose important health risks. For instance, studies have shown that it can up the risk of everything from obesity, diabetes11 and depression to car accidents.
  1. groggy adj. 头晕的;昏昏沉沉的
  2. tablet n. 平板电脑
  3. regulate vt. 调整
  4. melatonin n. 褪黑激素
  5. signal v. (发信号)通知、表示
  6. disrupt vt. 破坏;使瓦解;使分裂
  7. suppress vt. 镇压;压制
  8. specifically adv. 特别地;明确地;具体地
  9. consecutive adj. 连续的;连贯的
  10. surprising adj. 令人惊讶的,出人意料的
  11. diabetes n. 糖尿病;多尿症
卵 幼虫 蛹 成虫
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