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目的为了解我县居民碘盐合格及食用情况,为我县碘缺乏病防治提供依据。方法严格按照《河南省碘盐监测方案(修订)》进行。抽样方法按东、西、南、北、中五个方位,随机抽取9个乡(镇、街道),其中东、西、南、北方位各随机抽取2个乡镇,中间方位随机抽取1个乡(镇、街道);每一个乡(镇、街道)随机抽取4个行政村(居委会),每个行政村抽取8户居民盐样。结果碘盐覆盖率98.26%;碘盐合格率99.29%;合格碘盐食用率97.57%;非碘盐率1.74%。结论我县居民合格碘盐食用率达97.57%,高于国家规定90%的目标,为持续保持消除碘缺乏病目标,仍应加强碘盐的监督监测与管理,依法加强盐业市场管理,杜绝非碘盐,确保食盐加碘为主的综合性防治措施落到实处,全面提高人口健康素质。 Objective To understand the qualified and edible iodized salt of our county residents, to provide evidence for the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders in our county. Methods in strict accordance with the “iodized salt monitoring program in Henan Province (Revised)”. The sampling method is based on five orientations: East, West, South, North and Central China. Nine townships (towns and streets) are randomly selected. Two townships are randomly selected from each of the east, west, south and north directions. (Towns and streets); 4 administrative villages (neighborhood committees) were randomly selected from each township (town and street), and 8 households were sampled from each administrative village. Results The coverage of iodized salt was 98.26%. The qualified rate of iodized salt was 99.29%. The acceptable iodine salt consumption rate was 97.57%. The non-iodized salt rate was 1.74%. Conclusion Our county residents qualified iodized salt rate of 97.57%, higher than the national goal of 90%, in order to continue to maintain the goal of eliminating iodine deficiency disorders, should continue to monitor the iodized salt monitoring and management, according to the law to strengthen the salt market management, put an end to Non-iodized salt, salt and iodine-based comprehensive prevention and control measures to implement, and comprehensively improve the health quality of the population.
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