
来源 :清华大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong468
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“弹性力学’这本教科书,全书共十三章,存在着比较严重的缺点: (1)全书中有五章的大部分是抄引或摘录别书而成的。只有四章是经过本书作者系统地编 写的由于没有经过认真的编写;这本书缺乏严密的逻辑系统性,甚至其他教科书中有明显的错 误的地方,本书作者不加检查也加以抄引。在抄引和摘录时,本书作者一般地没有说明材料的来 源,甚至在参考文献目录中也没有加以注明。因此这种作法在性质上是属于抄袭的。 (2)本书作者在叙述自己见解的地方存在著一系列物理概念不确切和错误的现象例如本 书关于材料塑性与脆性的解释是错误的。除了可能的印刷错误和因疏忽造成错误外,概念性错误 或显著不确切的地方发现有21处。 此外本书关于弹性力学的发展历史的叙述,只强调数学方法而忽略了实验方法的作用,因而 这种叙述是片面的。 总之,这本书的质量是不好的,可能给读者以不良的影响。 The text of Elasticity, a total of thirteen chapters, has serious shortcomings: (1) Most of the five chapters in the book are copied or excerpted from other books. Only four chapters pass through this book The author’s systematic lack of careful preparation of the book due to lack of strict logical system, and even other textbooks where there are obvious errors, the author of this book without inspection also copied .In the copying and excerpts , The author of this book generally does not explain the source of the material, even in the bibliography also did not indicate.Therefore, this practice is in the nature of plagiarism. (2) the author of the book in the narrative of their own opinions exist A series of inaccurate and erroneous notions of physical concepts, such as the book’s interpretation of plasticity and brittleness of materials, is wrong, except for possible typographical inaccuracies and mistakes made inadvertently, and of 21 found in conceptual errors or grossly imprecise places. In addition, the book on the history of the development of elasticity of the narrative, only to emphasize mathematical methods and ignore the role of experimental methods, which Syria Is one-sided. In short, this book is not good quality, it may give the reader a bad influence.
Electron microscopic and autoradiographic studies have revealed that the assembly andmaturation of duck piague virus (DPV, an intranuclear DNA virus) occur bot