A Summary of the Svmbols in the Four Themes bv Yeats

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  Part Two
  3. The Summary of the Symbols in the Theme of Love by Yeats
  Love can be found all through Yeats’ poetic careers. His profound feelings for Maud Gonne moved the whole world. He wooed to her again and again but he got the mitten again and again, which made him write out a series of heart-touching and heart-breaking poems. Because of political reason, Gonne finally cut off Yeats’ passion for her. The poet was unfortunate, but the readers of the world are fortunate.
  Many a time Yeats recalled the moment when he first met with Gonne. The moment changed all his life. From the moment, he wrote out a lot of poems which readers couldn’t tear themselves away with. In the poem The Arrow, the arrow symbolizes love. The arrow is thrust into the marrow, which shows Gonne’s beauty and charm. The “apple blossom” symbolizes Gonne, which makes her beauty imaginable and unimaginable as well. During this period, Yeat’s poems were mostly about the relations between Gonne and him. In his poems, rose that universally symbolizes the beloved only refers to Gonne. Upon Gonne Yeats piled the most beautiful sentences and the most beautiful symbols that he could find.
  But Gonne was a very firm Irish nationalist devoting all herself to the movement for the Irish independence. Politics was the sole standard with which she judged a man. After being refused by Gonne many times, Yeats no longer used rose to symbolize Gonne. In the poem A Woman Homer Sung, the symbol for Gonne became Helen, a woman who was extremely pretty and for whom Troy City was occupied by the opponents. Yeats thought the two were very beautiful but they were destructive.
  No matter how Yeats dissuaded her, Gonne didn’t hear of him. Seeing her determination for politics was so firm, Yeats knew it was impossible for him to gain love from her. In the poem The People, Gonne first appears as “Phoenix.” Phoenix is the symbol of undying and rebirth or some one who is very beautiful. Yeats mentioned nothing of love in the poem, which showed that Yeats had lowered his desire to seek love from Gonne. The change of symbol meant that Yeats had changed his love for Gonne into friendship.
  In spite of the change of the symbol for Gonne, Yeats’ passion for her was not changeable. The poem When You Are Old moves all reader to tears. Reader can’t put down the poem when finishing reading the last word of it. “The glowing bars” symbolizes the fire of love that will never die. “Your pilgrim’s soul” refers to Gonne’s determination to fight for the Irish independence as firm as a rock. The whole poem is the symbol of love that the real love for a person is unconditional whether she is young or old, pretty or ugly.   4. The Summary of the Symbols in the Theme of Ireland by Yeats
  The root of Yeats was in Ireland. But his Anglo-Irish identity once made him very embarrassed and frustrated. Under the guidance of O’Leary, Yeats set his themes on Ireland. With the support and encouragement of Lady Gregory, Yeats was wholly devoted to the revival of the Irish culture. Between his poetic lines, O’Leary is the symbol of the unity of the nation, Lady Gregory, with her noble qualities, symbolizes Ireland and the Irish spirits. John Butler Yeats is also the symbol of the Irish spirits. Parnell is the symbol of fairness and justice. The name “Robert” is the symbol of hero and selflessness in the poem An Irish Airman Foresees His Death. This hero gave his life for Britain that he didn’t like, which showed one of the traits of the Irish nation. His sacrifice made the British colonists ashamed for their brutal treatment to the Irish people.
  Yeats was moved by the heroes around him. Through his art creation, the heroes live forever in his poems.
  Because of the British colonial culture, the Irish people were seen as “rustic,” “ill-educated,” “superstitious” and “disabled,” so the image of the Irish nation was distorted. In order to maintain the nationalist respect, Yeats created an image of fisherman from the numerous peasants. In the poem The fisherman, the fisherman is the symbol of the Irish nation. He is kindhearted, straight forward, brave and hardworking with some shortcomings. The fisherman is the carrier of the dream that Yeats couldn’t realize but desired to realize. The peasant is the symbol of Celtic traditional traits.
  Yeats had deep feelings for his motherland, which is embodied in a series of his poems. In the poem Easter, 1916, he used mother to symbolize Ireland. And the up-risers were her children. Her calling to her children inspired the love for Ireland.
  Ireland in Yeasts’ mind should be the centre of the world’s civilization, where the essences of all the cultures of the world will be gathered. He used Byzantium to symbolize Ireland in future. What is more, Yeats used rose to symbolize Ireland. He used the red rose to symbolize the harmonious, everlasting beauty and hope of Ireland. He used the swan to symbolize Ireland. He used the Coole Garden to symbolize Ireland. The beautiful scenery in the garden was a miniature of the landscape of Ireland. His praise for the Coole Garden was the praise for Ireland. The title of the poem The Wild Swans at Coole is a symbol of the ideal ecological surroundings. He used the most beautiful symbols that he could find to symbolize his motherland. Yeats expresses his profound patriotism by using the symbols to describe his motherland.
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摘 要:本文以四川文理学院为例,在档案馆信息化建设的背景下,分析了高校档案文化建设面临的现实问题,针对具体问题提出了相应的措施。  关键词:高校档案;文化建设;实践  文化建设是中国特色社会主义总体布局的重要组成部分。档案事业是文化事业的重要组成部分,档案部门不仅是政治建设、政权运行的重要基础,也是公共文化部门。其重要职责之一就是延续历史记忆、繁荣社会文化。推进档案文化建设,既符合国家关于文化建设
我落泪了,当着学生的面。只因为学生超低水平发挥,期中考砸了,并且到了让人匪夷所思的地步,在同事面前我羞愧难当。  我担任快班115班的语文老师,成绩一直不错。可是这次初三第一学期期中检测快班成绩居然比那慢班114班还要糟,于我而言,这无疑是五雷轰顶。那一刻我伤心欲绝,无语凝噎。  当晚晚上,灯下,我仔细翻阅试卷,寻找失败原因。  卷面反馈默写错别字累累,阅读理解涂涂抹抹,作文随心所欲,书写龙飞凤舞
人生最重要的是养成好习惯,而这些最重要的习惯都是小学一年级养成的。所以一年级的全体老师,深深懂得肩上的责任,我们付出了更多的爱心、耐心和细心,把小学生的养成教育做得扎扎实实,风生水起。  在数学教学中,使小学生养成良好的学习习惯是课堂教学的关键,要想培养小学生的学习习惯,提高小学生学习数学的主动性是至关重要的。美国的布鲁巴克认为:“最精湛的教学艺术,遵循的最高准则就是让小学生自己提出问题,自觉学习
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