Two-photon Excited Fluorescence of Bithiophene Derivatives

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dandu10
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Two new bithiophene derivatives named as 5, 5u001f-bis(p-N,N-dimethylaminostyryl)-2, 2u001f -bithiophene (BMSBT), and 5, 5u001f-bis(p-N,N-diethylaminostyryl)-2, 2u001f-bithiophene (BESBT) have been synthesized. Both compounds can emit strong single-photon excited fluorescence (SPEF) and two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) with the emission peaks around ~560 nm and with the lifetime of ~1ns. Two new bithiophene derivatives named as 5, 5 u001f-bis (pN, N-dimethylaminostyryl) -2, 2 u001f -bithiophene (BMSBT), and 5,5 u001f-bis (pN, N-diethylaminostyryl) Both compounds can emit strong single-photon excited fluorescence (SPEF) and two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) with the emission peaks around ~ 560 nm and with the lifetime of ~ 1 ns.
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例 1 ,女 ,1 2天 ,以发热 3天、皮疹 1天入院。查体 :T :39.2℃ ,全身皮肤可见红色斑丘疹 ,部分融合成片 ,压之退色 ,以面部、颈后、躯干部位居多 ,表面无溃烂及水疱 ,双眼球