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《史集》是由波斯史学家拉施特主持编纂的一部世界通史,其目的是让成吉思汗及其子孙的伟大事迹永久的流传不被遗忘。在《史集》中,除了丰富详实的蒙古帝国的历史,还包括了“世界史”的部分。由于当时大蒙古帝国的建立,各民族之间的交往空前的繁荣。该书的作者拉施特在编纂世界史部分时更是直接参考了各国旅居波斯的学者带去的文献,得到了他们的直接帮助。其中《中国史》记述了中国古代上起盘古、下至南宋共36个王朝的历史和267个帝王的世系,并用波斯文记叙了中国历史上的地名及帝王名称。这些地名及帝王名称是用波斯文字的形式记录的汉语读音,是一笔非常具有研究价值的对音材料。这些对音材料是研究《史集》的成书年代也就是中国元代时期语音情况的有力的根据。 “The History” is a general history of the world compiled by Persian historian Rasit. Its purpose is to make the great deeds of Genghis Khan and his descendants not be forgotten. In the “History”, in addition to the rich and detailed history of the Mongol Empire, it also includes the “world history” part. Because of the establishment of the Great Mongol Empire at that time, the unprecedented prosperity of exchanges among all ethnic groups. The author of the book, Raste, directly referred to the documents brought by the scholars of various countries in Persia when compiling the part of world history, and received their direct help. Among them, “Chinese History” chronicles the history of 36 dynasties from Pangu and down to the Southern Song Dynasty in ancient China and the lineage of 267 emperors. It also uses Persian language to describe the names of places and emperors in Chinese history. These place names and emperor names are Chinese pronunciations recorded in the form of Persian words and are a very valuable research material. These audio materials are the basis for the study of the book era of the “Historical History”, which is the basis of the Chinese language during the Yuan Dynasty.
On Sept.1,Harbin Municipal Government and China Aluminum Co.Ltd(Chalco)held a signing ceremony for reorganization.Chalco will make an investment of 1.2 billion
新加坡消息 ,美国和德国等6家顾问工程公司已对一项工程进行投标 ,负责监督管理修建新加坡第一家大型海水淡化工厂。这座海水淡化工厂可以把海水转换成自来水。根据原来的估计