
来源 :中国慢性病预防与控制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libingyao2009
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目的了解浙江省疾病预防控制系统慢性病预防控制能力,为推进慢病领域的能力建设提供依据。方法通过全国慢性病预防控制能力调查系统调查浙江省、市和县三级疾病预防控制中心(CDC)慢性非传染性疾病(慢性病)防控的资源、执行能力等基本情况。结果浙江省共有246人在岗在编从事慢性病防控工作,占CDC总人数的5.14%;省、市和县三级防控经费占同级CDC总经费的比例分别为2.71%、2.50%和3.83%;市和县CDC设有专门慢性病防控科所的比例分别为45.45%、14.77%;在慢性病防控工作人员中,97.56%具有医学背景,78.45%接受过本科及以上教育,高级职称占15.85%;2011年省、市和县级年平均继续教育人次数分别为10.00、13.36和8.57人次;全省100.00%的县级CDC开展了慢性病监测工作,其中有67.05%的CDC开展了行为危险因素监测;54.41%的市级和46.71%的县级CDC对慢性病监测进行过评估。结论浙江省疾控系统慢性病防控资源与“十二五”规划目标仍有一定差距,慢性病防控能力有待进一步提高。 Objective To understand the prevention and control of chronic diseases in the disease prevention and control system in Zhejiang Province and provide the basis for promoting capacity building in the field of chronic diseases. Methods Through the National Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Capability Survey System, the basic situation of prevention and control of chronic non-communicable diseases (chronic diseases) at CDC level in Zhejiang Province, cities and counties was investigated. Results A total of 246 posts in Zhejiang province were engaged in the prevention and control of chronic diseases, accounting for 5.14% of the total number of CDCs. The proportions of prevention and control funds at the provincial, municipal and county levels for total CDC funding at the same level were 2.71%, 2.50% and 3.83, respectively %; Municipal CDC has a special chronic disease prevention and control of the proportion of branches were 45.45%, 14.77%; in chronic disease prevention and control staff, 97.56% have a medical background, 78.45% undergraduate and above education, senior professional titles 15.85% respectively. In 2011, the average number of continuing education at provincial, city and county level was 10.00, 13.36 and 8.57 respectively. 100.00% of county-level CDCs at the county level monitored chronic diseases and 67.05% of them carried out behavioral hazards Factors monitoring; 54.41% of the municipal and 46.71% of the county CDC to assess chronic disease surveillance. Conclusion There is still a long way to go for the prevention and control of chronic diseases in CDC in Zhejiang Province and the target of “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”. The prevention and control of chronic diseases need to be further improved.
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