以实绩选用干部 促经济全面发展

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泾川是个资源贫乏,工业基础薄弱,老少边穷四不沾,乡镇企业短腿的财政补贴县。但在1994年,粮食在原有的基础上继续保持了自给有余;果品、烤烟、肉牛等支柱产业初具规模;棉纺、煤炭、食品饮料、农机修造、有机化工、建筑材料、农副产品加工等县乡工业体系形成框架。国民经济主要指标提前一年实现了“八五”计划,工农业总产值达到5.21亿元,增长3.2倍,乡镇企业总产值达到4.31亿元,占农村社会总产值的比重由1990年的35.6%提高到64.8%,农民人均纯收入达到803.5元,粮食总产11.17万吨,为历史上第6个丰收年,财政总收入达到1771.2万元,比1990年增长1.5倍,按期实现了收支平衡。泾川经济之所以能够实现大突破、大飞跃、大发展,关键是建立了一支政治强、作风正、业务精,符合“四化”标准,适应市场经济需要,敢打硬仗的干部队伍。在具体工作中,县委提出了“有能力,肯干事,善团结,不谋私”的干部选拔任用标准,以及领导干部起码应该具备的博学和驾驭知识的能力,良好的个人品质和审时度势的洞察力等4个方面的能力要求,坚持以实绩用干部。 Jingchuan is a resource-poor, weak industrial base, young and old are four non-stick, township enterprises short-legged financial subsidies to the county. However, in 1994, grain remained self-sufficient on the basis of the original ones. Pillar industries such as fruits, flue-cured tobacco and beef cattle started to take shape. Counties such as cotton spinning, coal, food and beverage, farm machinery building, organic chemicals, building materials and agricultural and sideline products processing counties Township industrial system formed a framework. The main targets of the national economy achieved “85” plan one year ahead of schedule. The gross output value of industry and agriculture reached 521 million yuan, an increase of 3.2 times. The total output value of township and town enterprises reached 431 million yuan, accounting for the proportion of total social output value of rural areas from 1990 From 35.6% to 64.8%, the per capita net income of peasants reached 803.5 yuan and the total output of grain was 111.17 million tons, the sixth harvest year in history. The total fiscal revenue reached 17.712 million yuan, an increase of 1.5 times that of 1990, Branch balance. Jingchuan economy has been able to achieve a breakthrough, leap and development, the key is to establish a strong political style, style of work, business excellence, in line with the “four modernizations” standard, to adapt to the needs of the market economy, dare to fight tough battle cadres Team. In specific work, the county party committee put forward the criteria for selecting and appointing cadres who are capable, willing to serve, good solidarity and not seek personal secrecy, and the leading cadres should at least have the abilities to learn and control knowledge, good personal qualities and timeliness Insight and other aspects of the capacity requirements, adhere to the actual performance of cadres.
武汉为华中重镇 长江、 汉水将市区分割为武昌、汉口、汉阳三部分,城市交通发展受到制约。为适应城市功能、经济的发展,武汉市正在构建城市快速 Wuhan is the center of the
【摘要】英语阅读是英语学习的一个重要组成部分,掌握好英语阅读技能不仅可以打好英语阅读基础,更能提升英语综合应用能力。本文将对阅读模式SQ3R展开讨论,分析该模式在英语阅读中的优势与不足。  【关键词】英语阅读 SQ3R 优势 不足  一、SQ3R内涵  SQ3R是美国俄亥俄州立大学心理学教授F.P.Robinson于1946年提出的一套阅读方法。该方法注重学习者的主观能动性,在我国受到不少英语教学
语文素质在一个人的综合素质结构中是一种基础性的素质,对于其他素质的形成和发展具有重大的影响力,所以不论是学校领导、教师,还是家长、学生都必须予以重视。 Language qu
目的:观察脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)对体外培养软骨细胞炎性细胞因子、人类白细胞分化抗原(CD)44、基质金属蛋白酶(MMP)-13、整合素表达的影响。方法:提取1 ~ 2日龄Wistar乳鼠原代软