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世博会分两种:一种是专业的,一种是注册的。注册的世博会是综合性的,如昆明举办过的花卉专业的世博会。2010年上海世博会不是一般的经济贸易博览会,而是世界上新观念、新概念、新技术的综合性的展览会。 The Expo is divided into two types: one is professional, and the other is registration. The registered World Expo is comprehensive, such as the World Expo held by Kunming, which is a flower professional. The 2010 Shanghai World Expo is not an ordinary economic and trade fair but a comprehensive exhibition of new concepts, new concepts and new technologies in the world.
一、过去进行时与现在进行时的用法区别共同点 1.都是表示在某一特定的时间或某段时间内正在进行或发生的动作。同属“进行”这一时态范畴。 2.使用的是共同的助动词be及动
There are many types of friends.There arefair-weather friends.These people remain yourfriends only as long as you are doing well.Theywill leave you and forget t
历史学家一致认为1904年召开的圣路易斯奥运会差一点扼杀了奥林匹克运动。这次奥运会只能算做当年同时举行的规模宏大的圣路易 Historians agree that the St. Louis Olympi
1.〔问〕:himself,by himself(for himself,to himself)有何不同?请举例说明.(华中工学院沈浦钢) 〔答〕:都可以译为“亲自”,但不同介词有不同含义,我们必须通过情景法举例
The requirements of a good reading position include attention todistance, the angle at which the book is held, and the height of the book.Eyes vary, and the di
在英语中,表示“会议”,“集会”的词出现频率很高,如:meeting,gathering,asembly,conference,convention,congres,council,conclave,congregation,debate,sem... In English, the terms “conference” and “conference” appear frequently, such as: meeting, gathering, a