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  1. The Americans are coming!
  Cora Crawley’s New York relations are coming to Downton Abbey.
  Even if the eldest Crawley daughter won’t need to“find a cowboy out West,” McGovern promises that several of her relatives will be making guest appearances on the show. 2. There are two weddings.
  According to McGovern, Downton Abbey will see two weddings in season three. One of these will undoubtedly be Mary and Matthew’s 2)nuptial: viewers have waited two seasons for the couple to finally get together, and Fellowes has said he has no intention of stringing viewers along for another year of will-they-or-won’t-they complications.
  But if Lady Sybil has married Branson (with a baby on the way), and Anna is now Mrs. Bates, who will be getting married in season three’s second wedding?
  Perhaps Edith.
  Will season three finally bring some happiness to Edith? Will her nuptials be the second wedding of season three? And if it is, who will she be marrying?
  1. 美国亲友团杀到!
  尽管克劳利夫人的大女儿不需要“寻觅西部牛仔”当自己的郎君,麦戈文还是答应会带上自己的美国亲友出现剧中客串一下(译者注:饰演克劳利夫人的麦戈文是美国演员)。 2. 两对佳偶共谐连理。
  据麦戈文透露,《唐顿庄园》在第三季里会出现两场婚礼。其一无疑就是玛丽和马修这一对的婚礼:观众等了整整两季,终于盼到他们共结连理的好日子了。 编剧费罗斯也开了金口表明无意再以一年的分分合合纠缠不清来吊观众胃口。
  3. 局势风云暗涌,二战蓄势待发!
  just before the next great conflict, World War II, possibly at the tail end of the Great Depression.
  Will Downton Abbey be 4)shelled in the Nazi Blitz? Will Matthew be going back to war? Or will the Crawley family suffer the hardship of the Depression as the German threat grows in the background? 4. There is hope for Mr. Bates.
  We all know that Downton Abbey left John Bates in a bad way.
  And for those worried that the next season will only spell more misfortune for the couple, Julian Fellowes has some words of hope for Bates’ fans.
  “Mr. Bates is one of my favourite characters,” Fellowes told The New York Times. “These are two people who have not been given all that much in life, but what they have been given is a real love. I wouldn’t ever want to 5)undermine that. But they’ve got to suffer a little. Nothing is harder to 6)dramatize than happiness.” 4. 贝茨先生终将柳暗花明。
  “贝茨先生是我最爱的角色之一”,费罗斯向《纽约时报》透露道。“生活中,这小两口没得到什么厚遇,但他们得到的是真爱。我从没想过要去破坏这一点。只是他们得经历一些患难。对‘幸福’作戏剧化处理是最难的。” 5. 三季收锣,不再续貂。
Right. For the over-50 generation, who can’t remember 1)proper names, as in book and movie titles, actors, 2)acquaintances and the like, rather than 3)stumbling and 4)mumbling for a few minutes and sl
Meaning: During the special, and personal time of year that you take time off from your work duties to spend with families, your company may be stretched too thin and requires you to have your mobile
俗话说:笑一笑,十年少;愁一愁,白了头。微笑能给人带来快乐、能让人变得年轻漂亮、能使人健康长寿……微笑是心灵盛开的鲜花,只要让它轻轻地绽放,就能产生无穷的魅力。从今天起,让我们尽情地展露笑颜吧!  你觉得没什么东西值得会心一笑吗?  Do you think you have nothing to smile about?  那么,让我帮你把笑容挂在脸上!  Well, let me put a
邪恶的王后(Julia Roberts饰)窃取了国家统治权,并且对白雪公主(Lily Jane Collins饰)苛刻严厉,甚至让心腹将其放逐到树林并杀死。不料王后的心腹不忍下手,将她放走。而后白雪公主在树林遇上一帮矮人强盗,在他们的训练下,竟成为七个小矮人山贼团的领袖。改头换面的白雪公主在偶然的机会与心上人——邻国的王子(Armie Hammer饰)重逢,却听到王子即将与王后成婚的消息。不甘心被
一个是身居白宫的美国总统,一个是远隔在太平洋上的日本小镇,两者看似毫无关联,但是却有着共同的名字——奥巴马。  奥巴马镇是日本福井县下辖的小滨市,位于日本本州岛中部,濒临日本海,是一个古老的渔镇。这一小镇名称的日语发音与美国总统奥巴马的发音一样,因此当地居民对奥巴马总统怀有莫名的感情,他们自奥巴马参选美国总统以来一直支持他,并多次向美国大使致函邀请奥巴马到访。而实际上,奥巴马镇是一个以温泉著称的度
Camille: Excuse me, may I sit here?  Francis: Sure. Sorry, let me move my bag.  Camille: No problem. This is a pretty small office. What brings you here, by the way?  Francis: I’m here for a job inter