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  Camille: Excuse me, may I sit here?
  Francis: Sure. Sorry, let me move my bag.
  Camille: No problem. This is a pretty small office. What brings you here, by the way?
  Francis: I’m here for a job interview. You?
  Camille: The same! Seems we’re competitors.
  Francis: It would seem so. If you don’t mind my asking, how did you hear about this offer? This company is so small, and they didn’t post many listings.
  Camille: Well, it’s kind of an embarrassing story, really.
  Francis: Now I’m 1)intrigued!
  Camille: You know that 2)headhunter office down the street?
  Francis: You mean the one with the desk in the window, where people looking for jobs can sit in the desk and be their own advertisement? Don’t tell me…
  Camille: Yes, that’s right. ①I’d been sending out my resume and making cold calls for over a year and had nothing to show for it, so eventually I decided to step out of my comfort zone and give that desk a try. ②I sat there for a couple hours one weekend, and it worked like a charm!
  Francis: It’s a bit out of the ordinary, but I can see why it works. To an HR department, 100 resumes are just 100 names on paper. If they can actually see you sitting at a desk, it’s easier for them to imagine you working for their company.
  Camille: Exactly. The job market has been so tough lately, more and more people like me are forced to go off the beaten path to be seen. Sitting in that window like a 3)mannequin was kind of embarrassing, though.
  Francis: ③Well, you really do have to put yourself out there if you want people to see you. I admire your 4)moxy for getting in that window.
  Camille: Thanks. So what’s your story? How did you get in on this interview?
  Francis: Well, just like you, ④I was down on my luck for over a year and had to find more and more
  ways to put myself out there. I didn’t have the guts to get in that window, though.
  Camille: So what did you do instead?
  Francis: Nothing as brave as what you did. I wanted the human touch of letting employers see my face, so I rented a 5)billboard just down the street and put my picture and some 6)qualifications on it.
  Camille: I thought you looked familiar! I’ve seen that billboard!
  Francis: 7)Apparently, so did this company’s HR.
  Camille: Well, I guess the lesson here is clear. ⑤If you want to get a leg up on the competition, you’ve gotta put a face on your qualifications.   Francis: That’s right. Companies don’t hire resumes, they hire people.
  Camille: You’ve gotta be careful, though. I have a friend who kind of went overboard with that idea, and he didn’t get the job.
  Francis: What did he do?
  Camille: He secretly found out where the boss of the company lived, and then sent a gift directly to her house.
  Francis: That’s a bit 8)creepy. I wouldn’t hire him, either. Camille: Well, it looks like it’s time for you to go in. Good luck, and may the best 9)candidate win!
  Francis: Same to you!
  弗朗西斯:看起来是。 如果你不介意,我想问你是怎么知道要来面试这个职位的?这家公司那么小,他们没有刊登多少招聘广告。
  Smart Sentences
  ① I’d been sending out my resume and making cold calls for over a year and had nothing to show for it. 一年多了,我一直在投递简历,给陌生的公司打电话,但是都没有任何效果。
  cold call: a telephone call or visit made to sb. who is not known or not expecting contact, often in order to sell sth.(联系完全陌生的人;陌生电话;通常以销售为目的)。例如:
  Not all sales are about making cold calls. My job is to uncover more buying potentials from our existing clients.
  have nothing to show for: have not achieved anything(无成绩可言)。例如:
  Though I’ve worked on my thesis for a month, I have nothing to show for it—it’s all fundamental research.
  尽管我已经做了一个月的论文,但目前没有什么具体成果,都只是些基础研究。   ② I sat there for a couple hours one weekend, and it worked like a charm! 有一个周末我在那儿坐了几个小时,然后真的很管用!
  like a charm: sth. works perfectly; successfully(灵验如神地,十分奏效地)。例如:
  Tell her Mr. Stone has okayed the FedEx delivery. She won’t question it and it works like a charm every time.
  ③ Well, you really do have to put yourself out there if you want people to see you. 好吧,如果你想要得到别人的青睐,真的需要大胆尝试。
  put oneself out there: make a real attempt and take the risk of failure(努力尝试,不怕失败)。例如:
  While you are young, you all should put yourselves out there, try different things and figure out what you really want to do.
  ④ I was down on my luck for over a year and had to find more and more ways to put myself out there. 一年多了我的运气都不好,我必须费力去寻找更多的方法。
  down on one’s luck: suffering because a lot of bad things are happening to sb.(不走运的,倒霉的)。例如:
  Stop complaining about your luck. No, you have not been down on your luck; you are just plain lazy, unwilling to try anything.
  ⑤ If you want to get a leg up on the competition, you’ve gotta put a face on your qualifications. 如果你想在竞争中领先,你必须把你的任职资格与自己本人联系起来。
  get a leg up: arrive at a position of advantage(处于有利地位)。例如:
  My previous intern experience really got me a leg up in getting oriented quickly on the job.
  put a face on sth.: connect sth. with a real person(把某事与真人联系起来)。例如:
  Now that I finally met him, I can put a face on his excellent works of art.

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