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  Meaning: During the special, and personal time of year that you take time off from your work duties to spend with families, your company may be stretched too thin and requires you to have your mobile phone, blackberry and laptop at your hip to address urgent issues.
  许多公司在长假到来之前,会发通知请员工们注意假期安全,同时要求大家保持通讯畅通,以便在发生紧急事务时可以联络。这样的假期听起来就让人郁闷,试想,在每年可以放下工作,与家人共同度过的一段私人时光中,却可能被公司要求在假日期间保持通讯畅通(比如手机开机、掌上电脑或手提电脑随时联网等),以保证有紧急事务时能够随时找到你。所以,人们形象地称其为“on-call holiday”,于是“on-calliday(待命假日)”一词便由此而来。
  Susan is looking forward to her summer holiday, while Jacob is complaining that he will just have an on-calliday.
  Meaning: A holiday that you spend with your friends or family.
  Palidays appear to be increasingly popular, as people search for alternative ways to take a break at a time when their holiday budget is tightly squeezed.
  Meaning: A high season for the stationery and clothing markets when parents are spending for the new semester.
  It is said that the beginning of the back-to-school shopping season is marketed just like the start of the Christmas shopping season.
England and Scotland may be parts of the same country, but when it comes to sport, they don’t always see eye to eye.  A few years ago, I played a friendly game of football with my friend and colleague
复古风的理念是在古旧的款式上点缀现代的饰物或在古典的款式上稍作改动,就能呈现出一种意想不到的全新的时尚感觉。而且复古风的流行不仅仅体现在外表,更重要的是一种内涵、一种精神。  Livia: Here we are!  Brandt: But this is a 1)vintage store. I thought you said granny chic was a new thing.  Liv
Renee Montagne: We can tell you that a few anachronisms have made their way into the series, and spotting them has become a hobby for many fans. Joining us, as he does occasionally, is linguist Ben Zi
对于大多数人来说,公车可能是一座只想逃离而不愿再进的围城。当没有成为有车一族时,公车代步是日常生活最基本的内容之一。佛曰:一花一世界,一叶一菩提。俯瞰公车,亦是一“群”,亦知一生。公车之内,一个不成问题的问题悄然而至:为什么要让座,为什么不让座?  尊老爱幼,是中华民族的传统美德。公交车上为老人让座,是每个年轻人应尽的义务。想想某天自己的爹娘出门在外,需要搭乘公交车,身为子女的你也希望别人为他们让
Melissa回想起自己怀孕八个月时让座给一位老人和一位拄拐杖的女人的艰难经历,心里仍然很生气,觉得很多人都太自私。而David也觉得健全的年轻人就应该给有需要的人让座。  David: Wow, it’s getting crowded on here today.  Melissa: Yeah, but rush hour is always like this.①Everyone packe
All the life she has seen  All the meaner side of me  They took away the prophet’s dream  For a profit on the street  Now she’s stronger than you know  A heart of steel starts to grow  All his life he
Molly认为只要是自己的权利就应该极力争取,包括公车上的座位。自己好不容易得到一个座位,是不会轻易给别人让座的。Alan并不认同她的想法。  Molly: Excuse me! What?! Just gonna ignore me, huh? Whatever…I mean, can you believe that guy?  Alan: Sorry, I didn’t see what h
飞机作为人类科技文明史上一项重要的发明至今已有百年历史。现如今飞机早已成为人们出行最为方便快捷的交通工具,据统计,这也是目前世界上最为安全的交通方式。近来飞行事故频现,痛定思痛,这不得不让人们陷入深思:飞机出行真的是最安全的吗?  请准备好您的身份证件及登机牌。  Please have your identification and boarding pass ready.  我们(的航班)即将
Right. For the over-50 generation, who can’t remember 1)proper names, as in book and movie titles, actors, 2)acquaintances and the like, rather than 3)stumbling and 4)mumbling for a few minutes and sl