Identification and functional analysis of miRNAs in developing kernels of a viviparous mutant in mai

来源 :The Crop Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beckham621
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Given the important roles of miRNAs in post-transcriptional gene regulation, identification of differentially expressed miRNAs will facilitate the elucidation of molecular mechanisms underlying kernel development. In this study, we constructed a small RNA library to comprehensively represent the full complement of individual small RNAs and to characterize miRNA expression profiles in pooled ears of maize(Zea mays L.) at 10, 15,20, 22, 25 and 30 days after pollination(DAP). At least 21 miRNAs were differentially expressed. The differential expression of three of these miRNAs, i.e., miR528a, miR167a and miR160b, at each stage was verified by qRT-PCR. The results indicated that these miRNAs might be involved in kernel development. In addition, the predicted functions of target genes indicated that most of the target genes are involved in signal transduction and cell communication pathways, particularly the auxin signaling pathway. The expression of candidate germination-associated miRNAs was analyzed by hybridization to a maize genome microarray, and revealed differential expression of genes involved in plant hormone signaling pathways. This finding suggests that phytohormones play a critical role in the development of maize kernels. We found that in combination with other miRNAs, miR528a regulated a putative laccase, a Ring-H2 zinc finger protein and a MADS box-like protein, whereas miR167a and miR160b regulated multiple target genes,including ARF(auxin response factor), a member of the B3 transcription factor family. All three miRNAs are important for ear germination, development and physiology. The small RNA transcriptomes and mRNA obtained in this study will help us gain a betterunderstanding of the expression and function of small RNAs in the development of maize kernel. Given the important roles of miRNAs in post-transcriptional gene regulation, identification of differentially expressed miRNAs will facilitate the elucidation of molecular mechanisms underlying kernel development. In this study, we constructed a small RNA library to comprehensively represent the full complement of individual small RNAs and to characterize miRNA expression profiles in pooled ears of maize (Zea mays L.) at 10, 15, 20, 22, 25 and 30 days after pollination (DAP). At least 21 miRNAs were differentially expressed. The differential expression of three of these miRNAs, ie, miR528a, miR167a and miR160b, at each stage were verified by qRT-PCR. The results indicated that these miRNAs might be involved in kernel development. In addition, the predicted functions of target genes indicate that most of the target genes are both involved in signal transduction and cell communication pathways, particularly the auxin signaling pathway. The expression of candidate germination-associated miRNAs was analyzed by hybridization to a maize genome microarray, and revealed differential expression of genes involved in plant hormone signaling pathways. This finding suggests that phytohormones play a critical role in the development of maize kernels. We found that in combination with other miRNAs, miR528a regulated a putative laccase, a Ring-H2 zinc finger protein and a MADS box-like protein, among miR167a and miR160b regulated multiple target genes, including ARF (auxin response factor), a member of the B3 transcription factor family. All three miRNAs are important for ear germination, development and physiology. The small RNA transcriptomes and mRNA obtained in this study will help us gain a better understanding of the expression and function of small RNAs in the development of maize kernel.
埃克托尔·柏辽兹Hector Berlioz(1803-1869)是19世纪浪漫主义时期法国著名的作曲家、指挥家和音乐理论家,在西方乐坛享有盛誉。他的创作以标题音乐见长,旋律优美抒情、音乐
透过那些已经逝去的青春时光,回忆40年摄影生涯里走过的往事和那些几近沧桑的面庞,在我年过七旬的时候,再次翻阅那些年轻时拍摄的珍贵照片,我内心深处的情感掀起了层层波澜。  大理,我自小成长到老都没有离开的地方,我深深地热爱和眷恋着这片土地,我为能生长在这片美丽富饶的土地上而感到无限荣耀。  在40年的摄影生涯里,我跑遍了大理的山山水水,村村寨寨,拍摄了3万多张黑白彩色照片,发表刊登在各大报刊,入选各