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今年上海高考语文试卷有两份:一份供面上使用统编教材的考生用:一份供实施上海市中小学课程改革方案的学校中使用试点教材的考生用。同一学科高考的地方试卷还分两份,这在全国各省、市高考中是绝无仅有的。这种现象反映了语文教学经历了由“一纲一本”→“一纲多本”→“多纲多本”的发展历程,为了与之相适应,语文高考也开始出现了由全国一卷→全国卷与地方卷并存→地方卷多样化的新格局。尽管这种现象还不足于代表今后“多纲多本”高考发展的趋势,但它的出现毕竟为高考多样化提供了一条新的思路。下面仅就今年高考语文上海卷的主要特点略加分析。 1.两卷分考.大同小异 从1991年秋季起,上海市实施中小学课程改革方案的部分学校开始使用按上海市新的语文课程标准编写的试点教材。新教材分两 There are two Shanghai language examination papers for this year’s college entrance examination: one for the candidates who use the textbooks for the general use: one for the candidates who use the pilot materials in the schools that implement the Shanghai Elementary and Junior High School curriculum reform program. The local examination papers for the same subject are also divided into two parts, which is unique in the national colleges and universities. This phenomenon reflects that Chinese language teaching has gone through the development course of “one class, one book”, “one class, many books”, and “multiple classes and more books”. In order to adapt to it, the Chinese college entrance examination also began to appear in the national roll. → The national volume coexists with the local volume → The new pattern of local volume diversification. Although this phenomenon is not enough to represent the development trend of the “multi-class and multi-ben” college entrance examination in the future, its appearance has, after all, provided a new idea for the diversification of college entrance examinations. The following is only a brief analysis of the main features of this year’s college entrance exam language Shanghai. 1. Two-volume entrance exams. Similarities From the fall of 1991, some schools in Shanghai implementing the curriculum reform program for primary and secondary schools began to use the pilot textbooks written according to Shanghai’s new language curriculum standards. The new textbook is divided into two
(一)对作文本质的认识 作文的本质在于创造,人之所以成为万物之灵,人的本质力量不同于动物的本质力量,就在于能思维、能创造。一篇文章、一本著作就是一项创造。作文教学的
三、改革课堂教学的对策 (一)上好中学语文课的不可忽视的四个前提。 一是必须明确中学语文学科的基本特点和语文教学的基本目的任务。要做到这一点,首要的应是认真学习领会