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近年来我国胃癌的外科治疗取得了很大的进展,但胃癌的外科治疗现状仍存在一些问题。如早期胃癌发现率低,大多数患者晚期才来就诊;胃癌根治术在有些医院尚未做到规范化,切除范围达不到根治标准,如清扫淋巴结不彻底;术后疏忽综合性治疗。本期刊登了张鸿祺、林超鸿、张应天、许国铭等教授对提高胃癌外科疗效问题作了专题阐述。现就如何提高胃癌外科的治疗效果提出以下几个问题,供同道们讨论。一、提高胃癌外科疗效,关键是提高早期胃癌的诊断水平。近年来胃癌的外科治疗取得了较大的进展,早期胃癌的增加占有很重要的地位。因此,提高早期胃癌的诊断关系到治疗 In recent years, great progress has been made in the surgical treatment of gastric cancer in China. However, there are still some problems in the surgical treatment of gastric cancer. If the early gastric cancer discovery rate is low, most patients come to the clinic later; gastrectomy has not been standardized in some hospitals, the scope of resection is not up to the standard of cure, such as incomplete lymph node dissection; postoperative comprehensive treatment of negligence. In this issue, Professor Zhang Hongyi, Lin Chaohong, Zhang Yingtian, Xu Guoming and other professors made special presentations on improving the surgical efficacy of gastric cancer. Now on how to improve the therapeutic effect of gastric cancer surgery put forward the following questions for discussion with fellow practitioners. First, improve the surgical efficacy of gastric cancer, the key is to improve the diagnosis of early gastric cancer. In recent years, the surgical treatment of gastric cancer has made great progress. The increase of early gastric cancer occupies an important position. Therefore, improving the diagnosis of early gastric cancer is related to treatment
适逢巴尔扎克诞辰 2 0 0周年之际 ,北京外国语大学张放教授以《巴尔扎克及其人间戏剧在中国》(见《法国研究》 ,2 0 0 0 ,第 1期 ,武汉大学 )为题著文论述巴尔扎克作品在中国
本文报道一例少见的巨大椎动脉动脉瘤,小脑后下动脉(PICA)从它的腰部发出。作者应用同侧PICA 与对侧 PICK 吻合术,孤立动脉瘤,重建了 PICA循环。患者,男性,38岁,右利手。主
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胃癌在日本发病率非常高,即使在70岁以上的老年人中也是如此。从1976年1月至1988年12月,日本Red Cross医疗中心为1076例胃癌病人作了手术,其中276例在70岁以上(老年组),794
本文报道1960~1990年收治的15例十二指肠壁胃泌素瘤(DWG)和卓艾氏综合征。确诊时病人的平均年龄为51岁,60%为男性,13例术前经血清胃泌素测定确诊。 10例术前做食管胃十二指肠