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  It’s the last year of high school, and young minds are turning their fickle1 attention to the thought of leaving home. This seems a natural progression: parents have child; raise child; help child with bumps and bruises, homework and car insurance; child graduates from high school and flees far from parents, returning on weekends to do laundry and eat home-cooked meals. But what happens when a child loses home right before leaving?
  My family has lived in my home since I was two weeks old. Seventeen years later, as I got ready to leave for university, my parents decided that our charming little house was no longer the ideal abode and that it was time to move.2 And naturally, I panicked3.
  At first the prospect of leaving my childhood home was gruesome.4 After all, this was the place I used to run around with friends; where I got sunburned chasing ants with sidewalk chalk5; where I would sit for hours staring out the window, making up songs about the passersby. If we were to move, the new house wouldn’t be my home at all, just a strange, new place. I felt that these were all valid grounds for total outrage until I discussed it with a friend who’d moved several times. He couldn’t fathom why I’d be so upset about moving a few subway stops away.6 Clearly I was just being silly and overly sentimental. After all, I’d be moving out to go to university. But something still didn’t sit quite right.
  I’d come to terms with the idea of leaving childhood things behind, despite the fact that the decision to move wasn’t mine. After all, throwing away childhood things is all well and good7, but it’s better if it’s your choice. I’d still banked on coming home for a nostalgic visit every now and then, perhaps with the selfish hope of finding my room just as I’d left it.8
  This hope of a personal shrine was crushed by my parents’ stubborn levelheadedness.9 It seemed their desire for a better house in a better neighborhood far outstripped10 my vague yearning for monuments in my honor. Their selfish rationality even extended so far as to plan our move in early December, when I’d be in the throes of midterm evaluations and university applications.11 In a horrifyingly ironic twist, they inferred that I was mature enough to handle the added responsibility of moving, along with my own work and extra-curriculars.
  And then it hit me: this is what the move was really about. I wasn’t concerned with losing my childhood bedroom, or having to take an extra bus to get to school. What was bothering me was that I’d be confronted with a huge, tangible reminder that I’d soon be completely responsible for myself.
  When I do go to university, I’ll go without a safe haven12 to come home to. Of course I’ll have my family’s love and support, but symbolically I’ll never be able to go home again.
  As graduating high-school students, we’re all in love with the idea of going away and having wild adventures, provided13 we always have someplace to return to. Leaving the family home behind is really just growing up without a safety net. It’s not an epic change, but still nothing to sniff at14. The move from one place in life to another is an important one. Because it’s true, you can never go home. Not really. But maybe, once you’ve had an adventure or two, you can go back for a nice visit.
  1. fickle: 多变的,易变的。
  2. charming: 迷人的,可爱的;ideal: 理想的,完美abode: 住所。
  3. panic: 使恐慌,其过去式为panicked。
  4. prospect: 前景;gruesome: 可怕的。
  5. sidewalk chalk:(用于在路面上作画的)彩色粗粉笔。
  6. fathom: 领会;upset: 心烦的。
  7. all well and good: 也好。
  8. bank on: 指望,依靠;nostalgic: 怀旧的。
  9. shrine: 圣地;levelheadedness: 头脑冷静。
  10. outstrip: 胜过。
  11. rationality: 理智;in the throes of:处于……困境之中。
  12. haven: 避难所。
  13. provided: 只要。
  14. sniff at: 嗤之以鼻,轻视。
Never underestimate a girl  ’cause2 one day she will become your world  She understands, she wears the pants3  She knows your thoughts with one glance4  Never underestimate a girl  ’cause one day you’
Come with me to a third grade classroom. There is a nineyear-old kid sitting at his desk and all of a sudden, there is a puddle1 between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his hear
许多古老的宅子里都会有些幽灵。有时候是个安静、善良的幽灵;有时候则是个闹哄哄的家伙,不停地摔门,总是不断给你弄出些声音来;有时候运气不好,还会碰上个做坏事的大坏蛋,经常装扮成各种可怕的样子来吓人。  坎特维尔古堡的幽灵就属于最后这一种,他做过很多坏事,还吓死过人!让住在房子里的人整日担心害怕。所以坎特维尔勋爵把房子卖给了奥蒂斯先生。这位美国人啊,一点儿也不怕什么幽灵。实际上,奥蒂斯夫妇和他们的孩子
《曾经的生活》是一本广受美国学生欢迎的青少年科幻小说,是美国畅销书作家Susan Beth Pfeffer创作的“最后幸存者系列”(也叫“月球撞击三部曲”)的第一本。这本书讲述了这样一个故事:一颗行星撞击了月球,使月球偏离了轴心,并靠近地球轨道。这个撞击极具毁灭性:人类的一切生产活动被迫停止,粮食和石油短缺,电力中断。女主人公米兰达是居住在宾夕法尼亚州一座小镇上的16岁女孩,她和母亲、哥哥、弟弟一
2014年2月26日,教育部启动第二期“学前教育三年行动计划”,力争再经过三年,基本解决“入园难”、“入园贵”的问题。本次计划将“单独两孩”政策放开带来的新增幼儿入园问题纳入了考虑范围。教育部表示,未来三年,要统筹考虑边远贫困地区学前教育资源短缺的现状、城镇化发展趋势、人口流动以及“单独两孩”政策带来的人口增加等因素,进一步加大力度解决好“入园难”问题。  学术与行政两权分立  《高等学校学术委员
春风暖,燕归来。伴随着春天的脚步,《英语学习》(教师版)第三期与大家见面了!  近期,由教育部考试中心编写的《2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲》出炉,新考试大纲与去年相比,高考英语科目的调整最大。语法词汇多项选择填空题改为广东、湖南等地的新课程题型——语篇语法填空题。这在英语教学界引起了广泛的关注。本刊在上期“热点与观点”的基础上,继续英语考试的话题,并特邀测评专家鲁子问老师对中高考的几
No doubt, you’ve heard of the recent scandal involving the New York Knicks star, Jeremy Lin. After a crushing defeat by the New Orleans Hornets, ESPN ran the headline “A Chink in the Armor” for the st
鸵鸟(ostrich)是世界上最大的鸟,既不会唱歌,也不会飞。 的双翅已经退化,而且身体笨重,早已失去飞翔的能力,说它是鸟还真有点儿牵强。但若把它归在其他种类,别的动物又不同意,所以鸵鸟就只好甘心做“鸟”了。  也难怪别的动物不愿意与鸵鸟为伍,它的长相实在令人不敢恭维:硕大的身子,小小的脑袋,又细又长的脖子,偏偏眼睛还不小,这种极不匀称、极不协调的长相,看起来真有些滑稽。好在鸵鸟个头不矮,姑且弥