△应当使教育贯彻到人的一生,使我国教育成为终身教育,由于社学技术知识的迅猛发展,人生所受的教育已不能“毕其功于一役”,即不能把人生截然划分为求学时期和就业时期,就业以后还要不断学习。教育不仅应当普及于全民,而且应当贯彻到终身。终身教育(Lifelong Education)这个概念,虽然包括从出生到老死的全过程,但是我们着重来看的还是它的成人教育阶段。有了终身教育可
△ education should be implemented throughout the human life, so that our education has become lifelong education, due to the rapid development of social science and technology knowledge, life’s education can no longer “accomplish its task”, that can not be completely divided into the school life and employment Period, after continuing to learn employment. Education should be universalized not only for the people but also for life. Although the concept of Lifelong Education covers the whole process from birth to death, we focus on its adult education stage. With lifelong education can be