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农村实行家庭联产承包后,中央对农村??问题作过明确指示,各级亦提出了具体办法,有了切合实际的规定.因此,“大包干”之初农民的负担还是合理的.但近年来,随着农村经济的发展,许多地方向农民的摊派逐渐加大,特别是在一些贫困地区,沉重的负担已使农民无法忍受. 据我们了解,1984年有的村(组),除合同原订的五项外,新增加集资办校、修桥补路、兴办影院、小城镇建设、水利工程、计划生育等20个摊派项目,年摊派总额占当年净收入的23%,从全县多点调查看,平均摊派项目也在15~19个左右,人平59.2元,占当年净收入的19.1%,据我们在平原、丘陵、山区不同条件的三个村组调查,1983年负担比1982年增加23.1%.1984年又比1983年增加45%.我们从一个区的统计数字中发现,1985年全区农村 After the implementation of family contract by household in rural areas, the central government made clear instructions on the issue of rural areas, and at all levels also put forward specific measures with realistic provisions. Therefore, the burden on peasants at the beginning of the “big contract” is still reasonable. However, In recent years, with the development of the rural economy, the scale of apportioning to peasants has been gradually increasing in many places, especially in some impoverished areas. The heavy burden on some poor areas has made the peasants unbearable. As far as we know, some villages (groups) In addition to the original five contracts, there are 20 new appropriated projects such as fund-raising schools, bridges repairing roads, setting up cinemas, construction of small towns, water conservancy projects and family planning projects. The total annual contribution will account for 23% of the total net income of the year. According to the multi-point survey in the county, the average apportioned project is also around 15-19, with a level of 59.2 yuan, accounting for 19.1% of the total net income of that year. According to our investigation in the three village groups under different conditions in the plains, hills and mountains, the burden of 1983 An increase of 23.1% over 1982. In 1984, it was another 45% more than in 1983. We found from the statistics of a district that in 1985 the entire rural area
目的 了解云南省艾滋病病毒 (HIV)不同流行地区孕妇时艾滋病 (AIDS)的知识、态度及行为 ,为开展宣传教育、阻断母婴垂直传播自愿咨询、检测提供依据。方法 选择省、地区、
目的 研究以pcDNA3.1为载体的登革 2型病毒 43株 (D2 43)NS1基因重组DNA的免疫原性及对登革病毒感染所致小鼠神经毒的免疫保护作用。方法 将纯化的pcDNA NS1重组质粒DNA采
近日,中国社会科学经济研究所朱玲在《中国经济时报》撰文认为,农村卫生的脱困之路在于恢复公共支持。 早在上个世纪60年代中期,中国农村集预防医疗保健功能于一身的三级(县
雪腐病类是积雪地区牧草和麦类的病害,有雪腐大粒菌核病(Sclerotinia borea-lis)、褐色雪腐小粒菌核病(Typhula inc—arnata)、黑色雪腐小粒菌核病(T.ishika-riensis)、红色