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对如何加强地方档案法制建设,谈几点认识。(一)要广泛深入地开展档案法制宣传、教育活动首先,要以深入广泛宣传贯彻《档案法》等法规性文件为核心,进一步提高社会和公民的档案意识,使广人公民认识到保护、管理、利用档案是每个公民的权利和义务。要把《档案法》的宣传、贯彻纳入各级政府三、五普法工作的规划之中,列入档案普法教育规划,并作为岗位培训的一项内容。强化社会和公民守法、执法的意识,使全社会都能形成一个保护档案、重视档案的氛围。其次,应采取多种多样的宣传形式和教育手段,注重提高宣传教育的效果。如运用大众传播媒介,在电视 How to Strengthen the Construction of Legal System of Local Files? (I) To extensively and thoroughly carry out the propaganda and education activities for archives legal system Firstly, we should further publicize and implement the “Archives Law” and other regulatory documents as the core to further raise the awareness of archives among the society and citizens and make broadcountries aware of the protection, The management and use of archives is the rights and obligations of every citizen. It is imperative to include the propaganda of the Archives Law in the planning of the three or five popularization of government work at all levels of government and to include it in the education of popularization of records and as an element of job training. We will intensify the awareness of law-abiding and law-enforcement efforts in the community and citizens so that the whole society can form a climate in which archives are protected and archives are valued. Second, we should take a wide range of forms of publicity and education, focusing on improving the effectiveness of public education. Such as the use of the mass media, on television
本刊综合《解放日报》、《扬子晚报》消息上海将全面开展上海市著名商标认定与保护工作,近日上海市工商局发布《上海市著名商 The magazine integrated “Liberation Daily
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
近期,受中国轻纺城市场对口南北商贾入市认购者不足的影响,冬市成交多显震荡,连日成交量有一定幅度下滑。据对从中国轻纺城15个专业市场定点采集的近 Recently, affected by