
来源 :文艺理论与批评 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stevenst
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前言 随着科学社会主义学说的产生和社会主义工人活动的发展,社会主义的文学艺术也应运而生。这是几千年来世界文艺史上划时代的新篇章,也是19、20世纪整个文艺领域中最突出、最具影响、最引人注目的变化。 马克思主义的经典作家历来都非常重视社会主义文艺的作用。马克思、恩格斯不仅与一批所谓“真正的社会主义”文艺家进行了坚决的斗争,而且从1844年起就十分关怀无产阶级文艺的萌芽和兴起,殷切期望能够看到更多的“宣传社会主义的诗作”产生。他们希望有愈来愈多的作家。艺术家“意识到无产阶级的本质”,“歌颂倔强的、叱咤风云的和革命的无产者”、“站到社会主义方面来”。在著名的《共产党宣言》序文中,恩格斯在宣告“新的历史纪元正在到来”的同时,便预言将有“一个新的但丁来宣告这个无产阶级新纪元的诞生”。马克思和恩格斯对社会主义文艺的性质和规律、对文艺的社会主义倾向性和真实性的关系,对“美学观点和历史观点”的文艺批评,对资本主义生产与艺术的敌对性以及对未来的共产主义社会中的艺术,都有过相当精辟的论述,它们可以看作是关于社会主义文艺的总体理论概括。 Preface With the emergence of scientific socialism theory and the development of socialist workers’ activities, socialist literature and art has emerged as well. This is a new epoch-breaking chapter in the history of literary and art history in the world for thousands of years. It is also the most prominent, the most influential and the most noticeable change in the literary and art field in the 19th and 20th centuries. Marxist classic writers have always attached great importance to the role of socialist literature and art. Not only did Marx and Engels not only fight resolutely against a group of so-called “genuine socialist” writers and artists, but they have been very concerned about the emergence and emergence of proletarian literature and art since 1844 and are keen to see more “propaganda of socialism Poetry ”produced. They want more and more writers. The artist “realizes the essence of the proletariat”, “praises the stubborn, all-powerful and revolutionary proletarians” and “stands on the side of socialism.” In the preface to the famous “Communist Manifesto,” Engels predicted that “a new Dante will proclaim the birth of this new era of the proletariat” while proclaiming that “a new historical era is coming”. The relationship between Marx and Engels on the nature and law of socialist literature and art, the tendency and authenticity of literature and art on socialism, the literary criticism on “aesthetic point of view and historical point of view”, the hostility of capitalist production and art, and the future The art in communist society has had quite brilliant discourses, and they can be regarded as an overall theoretical summary of socialist literature and art.
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