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  Tian Jiaxin, who just turned 21 this year, joined Chongqing Airlines after graduating from college and became an air hostess. Although this Generation Z girl was a newcomer, she was famous in Chongqing Airlines, because she received six real-name commendation letters in one flight.

  These letters showed thanks to Tian Jiaxin’s“Air Volunteer Tour Guide Service”. To better communicate with passengers and provide considerate service, she took the initiative to find those who come to Chongqing to travel, and introduced them to the scenic spots. When she met self-care travelers, she also offered her help to see whether their travel plans were reasonable. On one occasion, Tian Jiaxin met a group of Jilin passengers who came to Chongqing to travel together. She not only helped them adjust the time of visiting Hong Ya Dong, but also recommended them to overlook Hong Ya Dong from Qiansimen Bridge. She also recommended some restaurants with high-cost performance.
  Tian Jiaxin and her professional and sincere recommendations were praised by this group of passengers. She took the opportunity and said: “If you really think my service is good, our company has praise channels.” The passengers were amused by Tian Jiaxin and said on the spot that they would definitely praise her. So Tian Jiaxin received six letters of commendation on that flight.
  Tian Jiaxin said: “Many passengers don’t know that we have praise channels. I think it is good to tell them about the channels since I have done a good job. I deserve their praise.”   In fact, when she just joined the company, she was as confused as all greenhands and always felt at a loss. But her master Hu Jing’s words inspired her,“The flight attendants have a work routine, and the core duty is to operate according to routine. If you want to make a difference, you must work hard in details ignored by others.”
  Master’s words became the golden key for Tian Jiaxin to be an outstanding air hostess, and she even put them on the bedside as her motto. “On the plane, I look around to see if I can help. I was always eager to do the heaviest physical work, without any reminder.” Speaking of which, Tian Jiaxin was proud of herself. “Some peers who joined Chongqing Airlines together with me are slow in getting the hang of the work, and they are still a little confused.”
  After joining the airline company, Tian Jiaxin always checked the company’s performance table. She bore the names at the top in mind, so as to learn from them when flying. Tian Jiaxin found that, as her master said, all services have a routine, and everyone does almost the same work. The difference is reflected in the communication with passengers when providing services to them. Therefore, she created her “air voluntary tour guide mode”. However, she also admitted that chatting up requires observation, and she must not disturb those passengers who are resting or preparing to rest.
  It was very relaxing to talk with Tian Jiaxin. She was always straight-forward and frank. She not only created a good atmosphere and made people laugh, but also never directly embarrassed people.“This may be related to my personal character and professional character.” Tian Jiaxin said. Her goal at work is to be an “air hostess with the least ego” and her goal in life is to be a cool and stylish girl.
在4月15日召开的重庆市脱贫攻坚表彰大会上,陈真勇所在的璧山区三合镇二郎村驻村工作队,荣获重庆市脱贫攻坚先进集体称号。作为驻村第一书记,陈真勇说这一荣誉为他们这几年的工作划了个圆满的句号。因为他马上就要和驻村扶贫工作队一起,离开扎根奋战了三年的二郎村,把工作的接力棒交给随后到来的乡村振兴工作队。  不知道届时会不会有一个仪式,但无论如何,从扶贫工作队到振兴工作队,这样的转换无疑是极具象征意义的。 
摘 要 《数学课程标准》提到:让不同的人在數学上得到不同的发展。由于不同的学生在智力、兴趣、爱好、能力等方面存在着明显差异,所以对同一种知识的接受能力自然有所不同,教师如果在教学中仍然采取“一碗水端平”的教学方法,势必会造成部分学生“吃不饱”,部分学生“吃不了”的现象,分层教学应运而生,它可以有效解决这个问题,使所有学生的潜能都得到最大化的发展。本文结合小学数学智慧课堂中分层教学的探究提出自己的拙
摘 要 物理课外活动是指学生在课余时间进行的以非教科书内容为主的有组织、有计划、有安排的物理学习活动,是物理课堂教学的必要补充和延伸。为更好地推动素质教育的深入开展, 通过课外实践探索活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,进一步培养现代中学生的实践能力和创新精神。才能发掘学生的个性和潜能,使学生在自愿、轻松、趣味的状态下主动地去分析和解决物理问题,从而逐步提高学生对物理知识的理解、掌握和运用的能力。  关键词
在北碚白居易老茶館见到Pablo时,他正和朋友们一起品茶。  Pablo来自阿根廷,中文名潘楚天,是西南大学的一名外籍教师,在重庆生活了8年。去年10月,潘楚天和西南大学学生王芊懿共同完成的微电影《渡娘道》,是“2020看中国·外国青年影像计划·重庆行”活动的10部优秀纪录片之一。  《渡娘道》取材于真实故事,讲述的是普通农村妇女孙德红成长为高档民宿“清欢渡”老板娘的经历。  孙德红早年以卖豆花为