
来源 :中文自修 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong565
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毋庸讳言,高考是教育的“指挥棒”,而执掌这根魔棍的,就是命题和阅卷。为了让高考这根“指挥棒”的指向更符合二期课改的理念,更有利于学生的发展,本社与华东师范大学语文教育研究中心在初夏六月高考阅卷硝烟甫散之际,联合举办了“上海地区语文高考命题及评卷研讨会”。与会代表有上海市教育考试院副院长沈本良、命题与研究组雷新勇主任和霍敏老师,教育部语文课程标准研制组组长巢宗祺、上海市教委教研室语文教研员步根海、上海地区语文试卷阅卷负责人周宏老师、上海师范大学周红副教授,以及区教研员代表和教师代表等。华师大语文教育研究中心主任谭帆和《中文自修》杂志主编李锋主持会议。像这种由高校学术团体牵头、相关几大阵营强强联手、共同研讨高考问题的活动,在本市尚属首次。下面,是本次会议的焦点…… Needless to say, the college entrance examination is the baton of education, and it is the proposition and the marking. In order to make the entrance of the college entrance examination more consistent with the concept of the second-phase curriculum reform, it is more conducive to the development of students. The Society and the East China Normal University Language Education Research Center jointly organized the occasion of the early summer summer June entrance examination. The “Seminar on the Propositions and Criteria of the Chinese College Entrance Examination in Shanghai”. The participants included Shen Benliang, deputy dean of the Shanghai Municipal Education Examination Institute, director Lei Xinyong of the Proposition and Research Group, and Teacher Huo Min, the team leader of the Chinese Language Curriculum Standards Development Department of the Ministry of Education, Chao Zongkai, and the teacher of the Shanghai Education Committee, Chinese language teaching and researcher Bu Genhai. Mr. Zhou Hong, the person in charge of the paper review in Shanghai, and Associate Professor Zhou Hong from Shanghai Normal University, as well as district teacher and researcher representatives and teacher representatives. Tan Fan, Director of the Chinese Language Education Research Center of Hua Normal University, and Li Feng, Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Self-Editor’s magazine, presided over the meeting. It is the first time in this city that this type of activity, led by college academic groups and associated with several major camps to jointly discuss the college entrance examination issues. Here is the focus of this meeting...
近年来,随着新概念作文、话题作文的推出,使得写作观点、命题方式及评价标准都有了新变化,大家更重视写出具有新意的文章。怎样求得文章的立意创新呢? In recent years, wit
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