深化改革 多措并举 为交通运输发展提供有力的财务保障 《关于进一步加强和改进交通运输财务审计工作的指导意见》出台

来源 :交通财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:phirst
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为更好地服务于交通运输安全、高效、协调、创新发展需要,充分发挥财务审计工作服务保障和需求引导的双重作用,日前,交通运输部发出《关于进一步加强和改进交通运输财务审计工作的指导意见》(本期另发),提出将坚持深化改革,创新筹资机制、优化资金配置、健全管理制度、强化审计监督,加快构建“制度完善、预算科学、保障有力、绩效优良、风险可控”的财务审计工作新格局。《意见》提出要拓展聚财渠道,完善资金保障机制。认真学习领会中央关于深化财税体制改革的各项部署,做好交通运输资金保障政策研究储备。建立有利于交通运输事业发展的财力和事权相匹配的公路水路管理体制。加快构建“政府主导、多方参与”的筹资机制,切实用好车购税和港口建设费等中央交通专项资金政策。强化地方政府的投资主体责任和资金保障能力,引导地方统筹使用各类财政性资金,设立交通发展专项资金;鼓励地方利 To better serve the transportation safety, efficiency, coordination, innovation and development needs, give full play to the dual role of financial audit services and demand guidance guidance, a few days ago, the Ministry of Transport issued “on the further strengthening and improving the financial audit of transport Guiding Opinions ”(issued separately), put forward that we will continue to deepen the reform, innovate the financing mechanism, optimize the allocation of funds, perfect the management system, strengthen the audit supervision and speed up the construction of a sound system with scientific budget, strong support, good performance and risk Control “new pattern of financial audit work. The Opinion proposes to expand the channels for collecting wealth and improve the mechanism for guaranteeing funds. Seriously study and understand the various plans of the Central Government on deepening the reform of the fiscal and taxation system and do a good job in researching and reserving the transport security guarantee policies. Establishing a management system for road and waterways that is in line with the financial resources and powers that are conducive to the development of the transportation industry. Accelerate the construction of a ”government-led, multi-party participation" financing mechanism, earnestly make good use of car purchase tax and port construction fees and other central transport special funds policy. Strengthen the local government’s investment principal responsibility and financial support capabilities, guide the local use of various types of financial funds, the establishment of special transport development funds; encourage local interests
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