在我们苏州琳琅满目的菜谱中,“天下第一菜番茄虾仁锅巴”,是颇具特色的一款菜肴。此菜在江南的菜馆中皆有供应,但在苏州菜谱中占有一席之地。多少年来,它以独特的风味和神奇的传说,一直誉满江南。 关于“天下第一菜”的由来,众说纷纭。传说一:苏州百年老店松鹤楼菜馆开张营业的第一天,风流、好游的美食家乾隆皇帝,御驾光临该店,点了“番茹虾仁锅巴”一菜。上桌时,乾隆被此菜的响声吓了一跳,故称“春雷惊龙”,又因皇帝首尝,故称“天下第一菜”。传说二:明代礼部尚书兼文渊阁大学士顾鼎臣察访昆山,路途饥渴,道遇林子文妻陆娘娘,乞食。陆娘娘无所招待,
In our dazzling array of recipes in Suzhou, “the best dish of vegetables in the world, shrimp pudding,” is a distinctive dish. The dish is served in Jiangnan restaurants but occupies a place in Suzhou’s recipes. Over the years, it has been renowned for its unique flavor and magical legend. On the “best in the world” origin, different opinions. Legend: Suzhou century restaurant Songhe building opened the first day of business, romantic, good food gourmet Qianlong Emperor, Royal Drive visit to the shop, ordered the “Ru Ru shrimp pot” a dish. On the table, Qianlong was shocked by the sound of the dish, so called “Thunder Thunder”, because the emperor first taste, so called “the best in the world.” Legend II: Ming Dynasty ritual Shang Wenyuan and patrician Gu Dingchen visited Kunshan, the road hungry, road encounter Lin Ziwen wife empress, begging. Land empress nothing to treat,