1991年5月底6月初,上海市宝山区、上海县、崇明县等地温州蜜柑发生异常落花落果。据调查分析,这是由于5月23~24日暴雨后出现高温高湿天气(正值温州蜜柑花期)所致。 然而,据宝山区杨行乡徐湾果园以5年生宫川温州蜜柑为试材进行的保花保果试验,以及对上海市前卫农场桔园的调查,证明较早地采取有关技术措施,可克服异常落花落果。徐湾果园设置的单疏春梢处理(在5月16日进行,疏梢量为1/3~1/2)着果率为
At the end of May 1991, the beginning of June, Baoshan District, Shanghai, Chongming County and other places in Wenzhou Satsuma abnormal fall and fall. According to the survey and analysis, this is due to the hot and humid weather following the heavy rainfall in May 23-24, which coincided with the flowering of mandarin orange in Wenzhou. However, according to the Baohua District Yangxiang Xiang Xu Wan orchard to 5-year-old Miyagawa Wenzhou Satsuma for the test material to protect the fruit of the test and avant-garde farm in Orange Garden in Shanghai survey proved earlier to take the relevant technical measures may To overcome the abnormal drop of fruit. Xu Wan Orchard set single sparse spring shoots (on May 16, the amount of sprouting 1/3 ~ 1/2) fruit rate