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在党的正确领导下,工矿药剂工作随着医药卫生事业的蓬勃发展,正与日俱进地在向前进展,但由于工矿卫生部门的服务对象,人员配备和技术条件与一般医院不大相同,因此便有其一定特点,现想就以下几个问题谈谈个人的一点初浅体会: 一、在提高药剂工作质量方面 1.我院由于中初级人员较多,且多系单独执行任务,因此,无论是门诊或病房医生所开写的处方多难合乎要求,以致影响药剂和医疗质量,甚而造成差错,直接影响职工的身体健康。一般处方存在的问题是:药品名称(特别是拉丁名)或用法书写错误,剂量过大或偏小,不注明药品规格含量,配合禁忌等。在药工人员方面也多看不出处方中存在的问题,更不知如何着手进行处方审查。针对上述情况,在取得医院领导的支持下,我们定期向全院医务人员进 Under the correct leadership of the party, with the rapid development of medical and health undertakings, the work of pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical medicaments is making progress with the progress of the day. However, the service targets, staffing and technical conditions of the industrial and mining health departments are not the same as those in general hospitals Therefore, I would like to talk about the personal experiences of the following issues: First, in improving the quality of pharmaceuticals 1. In our institute, there are many junior middle school personnel and many of them perform their tasks independently. Therefore, it is very difficult for the prescriptions prescribed by outpatient or doctor’s wards to meet the requirements so that the quality of medicines and medical care will be affected and even errors will be caused, which will directly affect the health of workers. General prescription problems are: drug name (especially the Latin name) or the use of writing errors, the dose is too large or too small, do not indicate the amount of drug specifications, with taboo and so on. In addition, the problem of prescriptions can not be seen in the case of medical workers. I do not know how to proceed with the examination of prescriptions. In response to the above, with the support of the hospital leadership, we regularly to the hospital medical staff into
在祖国大陆东南一百多公里浩瀚的大海中,镶嵌着一颗灿烂的明珠,它就是我国最大的宝岛——台湾省。那里居住着一千七百万勤劳勇敢的汉族和高山族骨肉同胞 In the vast sea o
我们调查了本院一部分病区(包括内科、外科、儿科、传染科、肠胃急诊室)应用消毒药于便器等用具的情况,综述如下。 1.大多数病房原来使用煤酚皂溶液(以下简称来苏尔),均系自
棉铃疫病菌(Phytophthora boehmeriae Sawada)卵孢子经土壤埋存160天左右越冬,至少有16%~47%的卵孢子仍存活。卵孢子不依赖病残体可单独在土壤耕作层中越冬存活。越冬卵孢子萌