
来源 :时珍国药研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houwplanling
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湖北省蕲春县是我国明代伟大的医药学家李时珍的故里,也是当代著名老中医、中国中医药学会副会长、解放军305医院中医科主任高辉远教授的家乡。蕲春古称蕲州,地处长江北岸,吴头楚尾,历史悠久,人杰地灵,药物资源相当丰富,其中蕲蛇、蕲龟、蕲艾、蕲竹被誉为“蕲春四宝”,更是远近闻名。我们作为军队中医师承制学员,师承于高辉远教授,随之左右,不时聆听高师谈及蕲春四宝及其药用价值,对我等临证用药,多有启迪。特将高师平时所谈予以整理,以飧同道。蕲蛇:又名白花蛇,褰鼻蛇,五步蛇,百步蛇,为蝮蛇科动物,系原药材经整理加工入药者,亦称蕲蛇肉。通常认为本品较金钱白花蛇为优,故《本草纲目》载:“花蛇,湖,蜀皆有,今惟以蕲蛇擅名。”其品质最佳,奉为道地药材,然产量较少,不易多得。高师谓:凡蛇类药物皆能祛风,但本 Hunchun County, Hubei Province is the hometown of Li Shizhen, a great medical scientist of the Ming Dynasty in China. He is also the hometown of Professor Gao Huiyuan, a well-known contemporary Chinese medicine and vice president of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People’s Liberation Army 305 Hospital. The ancient name of Qichun in Zhangzhou is on the north bank of the Yangtze River. Wutou has a long history and outstanding people. Drug resources are abundant. Among them, snakes, hawksbill turtles, baboons, and bamboos are known as the “four treasures of Hunchun”. Known far and near. As a member of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, we were trained by Professor Gao Huiyuan. From time to time, listening to the teacher’s lectures on the four treasures of Hunchun and its medicinal value, they were inspiring for me and other medical applications. Special high school usually talked about finishing, in order to rebel. Viper: also known as white snakes, snouts, snakes, five-step snakes, hundred-step snakes, for the viper family of animals, the Department of the original herbs after finishing the processing of drugs, also known as viper meat. It is generally considered that this product is better than the money white snake, so the “Compendium of Materia Medica” contains: “Flower snakes, lakes, crickets are all, this is only a good name for python.” Its best quality, as authentic herbs, natural yield Less, less accessible. The teacher said: All snake medicines can knock the wind, but this
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宋代本草学的发展为我国本草史上的“鼎盛时代”.作为杂谈形式的《梦溪笔谈》在中药学上的成就,同样为世人所瞩目. 沈括(公元1031~1095年),浙江钱塘人,字存中,为我国北宋著名