Form-fnding methods for deployable mesh reflector antennas

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vvx888
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Deployable high-frequency mesh reflector antennas for future communications and observations are required to obtain high gain and high directivity.In order to support these new missions,reflectors with high surface accuracy are widely required.The form-fnding analysis of deployable mesh reflector antennas becomes more vital which aims to determine the initial surface profle formed by the equilibrium prestress distribution in cables to satisfy the surface accuracy requirement.In this paper,two form-fnding methods for mesh reflector antennas,both of which include two steps,are proposed.The frst step is to investigate the prestress design only for the cable net structure as the circumferential nodes connected to the supporting truss are assumed fxed.The second step is to optimize the prestress distribution of the boundary cables connected directly to the supporting truss considering the elastic deformation of the antenna structure.Some numerical examples are carried out and the simulation results demonstrate the proposed form-fnding methods can warrant the deformed antenna reflector surface matches the one by design and the cable tension forces fall in a specifed range. Deployable high-frequency mesh reflector antennas for future communications and observations are required to obtain high gain and high directivity. In order to support these new missions, reflectors with high surface accuracy are widely required. Form-fnding analysis of deployable mesh reflector tumors is more vital which aims to determine the initial surface profle formed by the equilibrium prestress distribution in cables to satisfy the surface accuracy requirement. In this paper, two form-fnding methods for mesh reflector antennas, both of which include two steps, are proposed. frst step is to investigate the prestress design only for the cable net structure as the circumferential nodes connected to the supporting truss are entitled fxed. second step is to optimize the prestress distribution of the boundary cables connected directly to the supporting truss considering the elastic deformation of the antenna structure. Some numerical examples are carried out and the simulation results demonstrate the proposed form-fnding methods can warrant the deformed antenna reflector surface matches the one by design and the cable tension forces fall in a specifed range.
摘 要:随着课程教育改革的推进,小学体育教学越来越重视应用寓教于乐的观念,让学生在快乐中学习知识,开展体育锻炼,有助于学生的身心健康发展,教师积极探讨快乐教学法在小学足球教学中的作用,进一步提升小学体育教学质量,推动了课程改革的进程。  关键词:快乐教学法;小学足球;教学实践  在多年的足球教学中,教师一味的关注对学生足球技能训练,让学生掌握一定的足球训练技巧,对学生开展足球知识教学授课,课堂学习
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摘 要:新课程改革明确提出,体育的目的不仅限于强身健体,促进同学们身体健康,体育的另一个目标是能够进行德育教学,提高同学们的心理健康水平。小学阶段是性格形成的重要时期,因此在小学阶段,体育教育中的德育工作是重中之重,通过体育教育中的德育教学能够提高帮助同学们形成良好性格,让同学们变得更加自信、自尊、自强、自立。本文笔者主要探讨当前体育教学中德育工作存在的一些问题、不足,并提出一些创新对策。  关键
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6月12~16日,由中国机械工业集团有限公司和中国机床总公司主办的第十一届中国国际机床工具展览会(CIMES 2012)在北京举行。本届展会的展出面积达12万平方米,来自中国、美国、
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摘 要:随着网络化时代的到来,电子信息技术逐渐融入人们的日常生活中,在教育领域,各学科教学也跟随潮流的发展融入电子信息技术,并且取得了显著的成效,然而在体育教学中却缺乏对现代电子信息技术的应用。本文针对此问题,首先讲述了现代电子信息技术在体育教学中应用的优点可以促进体育教学的改革,优化体育教学的方式,还可以丰富体育教学的课堂内容。其次讲述了现代电子信息技术在体育教学中的改革,包括对体育理论知识的探