
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jcd041991
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现场设备管理是企业组织正常生产活动不可缺少的重要基础,是企业现场管理的一个重要组成部分。现场设备管理是一项由表及里的系统工程,它不仅限于设备外在的清洁、整齐,更重要的是通过点检定修、维“护检修、安全联保、隐患整改、技术进步、技术改造和“跑、冒、滴、漏、脏、松、缺、锈”治理等一系列行之有效的管理活动,达到外在与内在的完美统一。 在武钢生产现场的构成要素中,设备硬件这一部分约占全部构成要素的80%左右,现场设备管理的好坏与成败,在很大程度上决定了企业现场管理的好坏与成败。1993年,根据武钢全面贯彻ISO9000系列标准的要求,以保持主要生产设备外观清洁、整齐为基本前提,围绕生产设备的安全、稳定、可靠运行这个中心,以保持、改善和提高设备的综合性能为主攻目标,现场设备管理工作取得了显著成效。全年,实现了重大、特大设备事故为零的目标;主要生产设备利用率月平均水平达81.92%,比上年提高0.97个百分点;主要生产设备事故、故障率为3.18%,比上年下降0.86个千分点。公司有24个M级生产厂(11个主体厂和13个辅助厂)全面完成武钢现场管理目标责任承包,有5个主体厂和1个辅助厂被评为武钢现场管理一流工厂,其中现场设备管理部分的各项指标均按承包要求百分之百地完成。这些都? On-site equipment management is an indispensable and important foundation for the organization’s normal production activities and an important part of the company’s on-site management. Field equipment management is a systematic project in and out of the table. It is not only limited to the external cleaning and orderliness of the equipment, but also more importantly through spot inspections, maintenance, safety and maintenance, hidden risk rectification, technological progress, and technology. A series of effective management activities including transformation, running, running, dripping, leaking, dirty, loose, lack, and rust management have achieved perfect external and internal unity. In the WISCO production site, the equipment hardware This part accounts for about 80% of all the components, and the quality and success of on-site equipment management largely determines the quality and success of the company’s on-site management. In 1993, according to the requirements of WISCO’s full implementation of the ISO 9000 series of standards, In order to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the main production equipment, it is a basic premise for the safety, stability, and reliable operation of the production equipment center, and to maintain, improve, and improve the overall performance of the equipment as the main target, and on-site equipment management has achieved remarkable results. In 2001, the goal of zero major and extra equipment accidents was achieved; the monthly average utilization rate of major production equipment reached 81.92%, an increase of 0.97 over the previous year. Point; major production equipment accidents, failure rate was 3.18%, a decrease of 0.86 points over the previous year.The company has 24 M-class production plants (11 main plants and 13 auxiliary plants) to fully complete the site management of Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. There are five main plants and one auxiliary plant that have been rated as the first-class factory of Wugang site management, in which the indicators of the field equipment management part are all completed in accordance with the contracting requirements.
1月7日上午,位于郑州市江山路的郑州大学第四附属医院遭遇一伙身着迷彩服的不明身份人员(三十人左右)强行拆迁,当时病人正在做检查,墙体突然被钩机破洞。医院负责人称:医院放射科的医生和病人差点被埋。医院价值四百万的数字胃肠机被损坏,更令人生气的是,医院太平间也被推平,五六具病人遗体被掩埋。院方工作人员在阻拦强拆时受伤。  我想谴责,却最终发现再也无力说些什么。或许郑州此次事件带给了我们一种别样的感受,
河南省位于我国中部,有丰富的农副产品资源。该省食品工业历史悠久,传统名特食品享誉国内外,如道口烧鸡、武陟油茶、杜康曲酒、归德酱芽、信阳毛尖茶等。 预计‘85’期间河