
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsl526
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法院能否受理此案?编辑同志:某公司聘请一位个体户为其公司经营苹果,并签订了聘用协议书,每月发工资150元。在经营过程中,由公司负责进货,派员收取营业款。后由于该个体户经营亏损一万多元,公司要求该个体户赔偿,但该个体户以苹果腐烂为由拒绝赔偿,公司即向法... The court can accept the case? Edit comrades: a company hired an individual for its business Apple, and signed a letter of employment agreement, a monthly wage of 150 yuan. In the course of business, the company is responsible for purchase, sending staff to receive operating funds. After the individual operating loss of more than ten thousand yuan, the company asked the individual compensation, but the self-employed refused to compensate Apple’s grounds of decay, the company that the law ...
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“洛阳风波”引出的“档案”话题 1993年4月,一年一度的牡丹花会在洛阳举行,文化搭台,经济唱戏。各大企业纷纷在交通干道两旁树立产品广告牌。以生产火腿肠而名扬全国的洛阳
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