澧县档案局、馆实行“设岗定责、招标承包”的内部改革一文,在《湖南档案》1988年第4期发表后,引起档案战线的热情关注和社会各方面的强烈反响。“设岗定责,招标承包”的内在动力是什么?改革中遇到了一些什么矛盾和问题?目前,他们的改革正朝什么方向发展?带着这些问题,最近,我们专程到澧县档案局、档案馆进行了调查。通过了解,我们强烈感受到,要深化档案局馆的内部改革,应注意以下二个结合: 一、应把设岗定责和层级管理结合起来澧县档案局、档案馆在实行“设岗定责、招标承包”的过程中,也遇到了一些问
After the publication of “Hunan Archives” No. 4 in 1988, the archives bureau and museum in Guoxian implemented a series of internal reforms entitled “Assigning Gang Responsibility and Inviting Tender Contracts”, which aroused enthusiastic attention on the archives front and a strong response from all sectors of society. What is the intrinsic motivation behind the “post-set responsibility, bidding and contracting”? What are the contradictions and problems encountered in the reform? At present, what is the direction of their reform? With these problems, recently, we made a special trip to the County Archives Archives conducted a survey. Through understanding, we strongly feel that to deepen the internal reform of Archives Bureau, we should pay attention to the following two combinations: First, we should combine the responsibility of setting posts with the management of different levels. Responsibility, tender contracting, "the process, but also encountered some questions