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  Devyani Rana, whose forbidden love made 1)Crown Prince Dipendra battle with his family; a struggle that broke him mentally and led him to murder his parents in a palace
  2)bloodbath in June 2001, has returned to Nepal.
  She is talking to local women to rally the royalist vote for her father’s political party in an election which is certain to abolish the monarchy and transform the Himalayan kingdom into a republic.
  The murder victims included the 3)revered King Birendra. He was succeeded by his bro-ther, Gyanendra, whose 4)autocratic incompetence has brought the dynasty to ruin.
  Crown Prince Dipendra ran 5)amok and staged a palace massacre, seized by a drunken fury over his parents’ refusal to allow him to marry Devyani. Using an automatic assault rifle, he shot his father and then 6)prowled the corridors of the Narayanhiti Palace, shooting and killing his mother, Queen Aiswarya, his brother, and six other relatives before turning the gun on himself.
  Devyani, 36, now says she would never have been happy as queen. “I would have been very restricted and I couldn’t have dealt with that,” she said in her first public comments. “Some of the older generation still want the royal family, but not the younger generation,” she said.
  Devyani is bright, kind, chatty and 7)down-to-earth. Despite being the daughter of a 8)maharaja and an Indian princess, and related to most of the Indian royals, she shops in 9)Marks & Spencer and 10)rummages in some of Delhi’s cheapest markets for bargains.
  She jogs in Delhi’s parks, is a yoga 11)evangelist, and retains a fierce passion for women’s rights. She said she was still struggling with the Indian custom of touching people’s feet as a show of respect. “I still 12)recoil from it,” she said.
  Delhi became her home when she fled after the palace massacre. She married the grandson of an Indian 13)cabinet minister and built a career with the United Nations Development Programme, travelling throughout India and Pakistan to monitor environmental projects.
  She has never discussed what she refers to as “the incident” and she stressed she could not discuss political issues without the permission of her UN employers, but she appeared relaxed to be back in Nepal and eager to help her father rally the royalist vote.
  As she stepped onto the stage where her father was delivering a passionate address to villagers in Barabise, a small town nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, the crowd gave her an 14)ovation, shouted her name, and 15)garlanded her in red
  16)hibiscus and pink 17)bougainvillea. It seems difficult to reconcile her current concerns of climate change and economic development with a life among the 18)machine gun toting young playboy of Nepal’s royal family.
  Before the palace massacre, Dipendra and Devyani’s romance was the talk of 19)Kathmandu. Dipendra’s mother Queen Aiswarya, however, bitterly opposed the 20)love match. She was from a branch of Devyani’s Rana clan which considered itself of higher rank. She also looked down on the social position of Devyani’s mother as a mere princess of India’s 21)Gwalior royal family. Therefore, Dipendra was told he would have to choose between marrying Devyani and keeping his title of crown prince.
  The tragedy gave fresh 22)impetus to King Gyanendra’s dictatorial response. Between 2002 and 2005 he dismissed three prime ministers
  before taking absolute power himself. However, his 23)coup increased his own isolation and brought together the constitutional parties in common cause. They 24)orchestrated street protests in 2006 which forced Gyanendra to return the country to democratic rule.
  The coalition government has already passed a resolution to abolish the monarchy. Even Devyani’s father, whose political life has served the royalist cause, can see little hope for the monarchy and is refocusing his party on democratic opposition.
  Despite her campaigning, which she says is purely family support for her father, Devyani has no political ambitions of her own. Her modest life in Delhi, her marriage to her “wonderful, understanding” husband, and her career with the UN have given her a life outside the 25)confines of royalty. “I’ve got one year left at the United Nations. I’m 36 and I want to have a child before it’s too late. I would like to use the skills I’ve learned at the UN to help Nepal,” she said.
  “The villagers here are not asking about the 26)constituent assembly, they’re thinking about electricity, roads, water and schools. Nepal is such a beautiful country, and we need more to be done, not by politicians, but by people. I don’t understand why people feel they need power to do anything. I have no interest in becoming involved in politics,” she said. “I believe in making your own fate and destiny.”
  The princess who could have been queen, who might have saved the monarchy from itself, is over it.



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