似咨非咨 似呈非呈的平行文种咨呈

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清代官府文书按行文流向分为上行文、平行文、下行文。凡职权地位相当的或彼此不相统属的官署间的行文,被视为平行方向,为平行文,常用的有关、咨、咨呈、移、移会、知会、牒、牒呈、照会等文种。在平行文这一行文流向上,由于封建等级制度的作祟,平行文内各文种及使用划分极细,文种之间尚存在高低之分,且某一文种本身亦具有尊卑含义。从《大清会典》有关记载及大量的清代平行文文种使用情况来看:官署层次、级别不同,选用的文种亦不相同。司道以上的高级官署之间相互行文时使用咨文,司道以下较低级之间行文用移文,京城内阁典藉厅、六科、稽察房等层次的官署与各部、院、寺、监行文用移会,文武官员之间使用照会。鸦片战争以后照会逐渐变为外国沟通交流的专用文书,而京城内阁典藉厅、六科、 The official documents of the Qing Dynasty were divided into the upper essay, the parallel essay and the down essay according to the pattern flow. For the purposes of parallel texts, the most commonly used, consultative, consultative, relocating, moving, advising, accepting, submitting, notifying, etc. any written or oral correspondence between official offices of comparable or independent authority is considered parallel. Languages. In the context of the parallel texts, due to the feudal hierarchy system, there is still a high degree of distinction between languages ​​and languages ​​in the parallel texts, and a certain text itself also has the meaning of respecting one another. From the “Qing dynasty,” the relevant records and a large number of parallel use of the Qing Dynasty, the text of the situation: the level of government offices, different levels, the choice of language is not the same. State Department officials above the corridor between the use of Statements of Liberty, State Secretary below the lower level between the use of shift text, the capital cabinet by the Office, six subjects, inspection room and other levels of government offices and departments, courtyards, temples, Supervision of the text with the relocation, civil and military officials use the note. After the Opium War will be gradually turned into foreign exchanges and exchanges of special instruments, while the capital cabinet by the Office, six subjects,
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