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  AbstractA Village Celebration , a well-written essay by A.A. Milne , a renowned English writer, has been studied by many a scholar from various angles. This paper is attempted to probe into the essay from the perspective of the clash between idealism and realism, which enlightens us on the significance of living a down-to-earth life.
  Key wordsidealism realismdown-to-earth life
  A vivid picture of a village celebration is well delineated by the concise, simple but meaningful words. In the picture, the characters of various dispositions render livelier and intriguing the celebration, which should have been an event with rapture and exhilaration well mingled and turned out to be the other way around yet. The different views on the way to show gratitude to those returned heroes embody, to a greater extent, the clash between idealism and realism. In addition, a touch of sarcastic tone is never hard to be noticed between the lines.
  The colloquial words and the first person “we” adopted in the essay strike the reader that the author seems to be conversing with a friend, informing him of what was about the celebration. The simple words, nevertheless, are packed with certain profound meanings, to which heed should be drawn.
  In a celebration for peace after the First World War, it is of significance and necessity to extend gratefulness to those returned soldiers. Miss Travers proposed that in honor of their valor, a drinking mountain should be erected with their names suitably inscribed. The Vicar, presiding over the celebration, was fully supportive of this seemingly “beautiful” idea. However, Mr Clayton, the squire and Sir John expressed their concern over the feasibility of this proposal. For want of money, this fantastic suggestion turned out to be abandoned. The squire in the end decided to throw a feast for the heroes with himself shouldering the burden of the entertaining expenditure.
  In the celebration, the conflict between the two opposite views on the construction of the drinking fountain manifests to the fullest the clash between idealism and realism. Being dominant in the west in the wake of the First World War, idealism penetrated into every aspect of people’s life, especially into the field of politics. Idealists aim for perfection and set high goals for themselves and others. In the essay, Miss Traverse is a stereotype of idealism. She, a romantic and passionate woman as shown by her considerable expression when playing the organ, suggested building a fountain without the actual conditions of the village taken into account. The war threw many a country into economic recession, the Britain included. A small village was presumably in short of money, which is implied by the sentence, “in those prosaic modern days, the sordid questions of pounds, shillings and pence could not be wholly disregarded. How much money would they have?” How could a fountain be established for lack of money? Miss Traverse and the Vicar were out of touch with reality and their proposals were undoubtedly impractical.
  In the sharp contrast, Mr Clayton and Sir John behaved in a practical manner. As Mr Clayton put, it was still in doubt whether they were genuinely in need of a fountain and who wanted it. That was where the rub was. Apart from lack of money, the devoted soldiers, for whom the fountain was conceived of to be built, in essence failed to show assent on its building. As for those soldiers represented by Charlie Rudd, the building of a fountain was nothing but drudgery and was of no meaning to them. What was important was their having come back to the village safe and sound, and seeing their dear fellows. Taking into account such factors as a little money they had, the likely uselessness of the fountain and the true feelings of the heroes, the squire offered to entertain those gallant young men at his own expense. Besides, it can be judged from the cobbler, Embury’s questions, “if ‘leaping’ was the exact word for a young fellow,” and “what’s coming out of the fountain”, that he was in a sense pragmatic, wet blanket as he was considered to be on grand occasions. In conclusion, it is evident that idealism was conquered by realism in the end.
  What should not escape our notice either is the irony hidden in the passage. As the landlord of the Dog and Duck said, the people in the village celebrated peace and a celebration meant sitting down in sincerity and heart-like. However, their celebration was permeated with conflicts and discord, which was highlighted by Embury’s vexing Mr Bates for twice and was totally contrary to the thrust of the celebration. This aside, much thought should be given to the recurring sentences, “they were getting on too fast” and “they were getting on a little too fast”. Some of them were indeed getting on too fast on the way to idealism but getting on a little slow on the way to realism, implied by the sentence, “our village is a little slow at getting on to things; ‘leaping’ is not the exact word for our movement at any time, either of brain or body.” The author’s contempt for the ignorance of such characters as Miss Traverse and the Vicar is clearly expressed in the essay. “Their valued friend Miss Traverse” and “he was not ashamed to call a suggestion both rare and beautiful”, are heavy sarcasm for both of them respectively. Simultaneously, however, the author gives a relatively detailed description of Charlie Rudd’s utterance, with a view to extolling his integrity and valiancy as a patriotic soldier.
  The thought-provoking essay being well woven and featuring succinct words, the author issues a denunciation of idealism and idealists as well, and enlightens the reader upon the significance of taking a down-to-earth attitude towards life and not being induced to an idealist living in fantasy. The light writing style and the irony tone running through the whole lifelike depiction of the celebration make the essay more readable.
摘要本文针对目前英语教师队伍素质的现状,指出了英语教学质量的提高取决于一支高素质水平的英语教师队伍,教师进修学校作为教师的培训机构,对英语教师的继续教育责无旁贷。在深入基层,调查研究,发现问题的基础上,提出“政策拉动”“机制推动”进一步提高目前英语教师队伍素质的对策与建议。  关键词英语教师素质提高    目前,英语教学存在的“少、慢、差、低、”现象仍没有得到彻底的扭转。虽然有多方面的因素,但问题
摘要大型活动的策划中,如何使其文化特色与视觉化效果结合起来传播成为一大困境。而视觉文化传播原理在大型活动策划中改变了这一困境。16届亚运会的开幕式和闭幕式以视觉化的冲击力效果体现了岭南文化特色与亚洲文化特色,为受众呈现了完美的视觉盛宴。在亚运会视觉文化传播也体现了多元化,全方位的完整的传播特色。  关键词大型活动策划视觉文化传播    大型活动的策划作为公关传播类活动策划中较有影响力的一种,已经广
摘要90后学生,处于信息化时代,他们接触的新鲜事物多,大多数生活在优越的家庭环境,他们的性格活泼而又略带任性,喜欢追求快乐而缺乏务实,勤于奋争而心理却很脆弱,这些90后的特点,给我们的教与学,又带来了很多挑战,如何让教与学的成效,更好的在他们身上体现,就需要我们要去很好地研究90后,很好地研究适合他们的教与学关系。  关键词90后学生教与学关系    教与学的关系,处理得当,就会教学相长;处理不当
所谓创造性个性品质主要是指具有创造的意向、创造的情感、创造的意志和创造的性格等独特的心理品质。它包括自信、勇敢、独立性强、有恒心、一丝不苟等良好的人格特征。如何在班级管理中培养学生创造性个性品质呢?  班级管理是班主任按照一定的原则和要求,采取适当的方法,为实现班集体共同目标,不断进行调整和协调的综合性活动;是对学生的思想、品德、学习、劳动、课外活动等各项工作的管理教育的活动。在班级管理中培养学生
摘要心理健康教育是高校学生思想政治工作的重要组成部分,是实施素质教育的重要措施,它关系到高校的生存及整个高等教育系统的良好循环发展。随着我国经济、社会与家庭的纵深分化,高等教育大众化的到来,网络通讯的迅猛发展以及西方思潮的猛烈冲击,大学生的差异性不断加大, 在大学校园里,大学生中存在一个“特殊群体”。这个“特殊群体”是指那些在经济上较特殊,或者在学业上落后,或者在日常生活上散漫的大学生的集合体。他
摘要随着课改的不断深入,数学日记已经成为广大老师和家长认可的一种数学学习方式。数学日记可以让学生更进一步认识数学,走进生活,体验数学,让学生感受到数学不仅仅是枯燥乏味的几个数字与简单的计算,更多的是学生对数学知识进行深层次的思考,激发学生学习数学的兴趣。  关键词数学日记确定内容指导写法成效 思考    教小学生写日记,不是语文老师的专利。作为数学老师也可以实施这一沟通学生的好方法。《数学课程标准
“书读百遍,其义自见。”同样,“数读百遍,其义也自见。” “读”就是学生与课本之间产生交互作用的一种方式,让学生在学习的基础上进一步解读消化这些信息,达到享受数学阅读的快乐。那么数学到底应该如何“读”呢?难道仅仅就是单纯地“读”、机械地“读”?我认为其实不然,这里的“读”包含“阅读”的意思,但是和语文中的“阅读”又不完全相同,它带有更多的数学特色,也具有更多“读”的技巧……  一、以“趣”引读  
摘要有效教学是教师遵循教学活动的客观规律,以尽量少的时间、精力和物力投入,取得尽可能好的教学效果。新课程理念下的有效教学倡导的是以学生发展为本,统筹考虑学习者、教育者、教学内容与环境等各个要素,运用科学的教学策略,让学生乐学、学会、会学,从而促进学生的全面发展、主动发展和个性发展。  关键词数学课效率    教学效果应是课堂追求的首要目标。低效率的教学、无效率的教学,甚至负效率的教学,决不是常态课
摘要课堂教学中,提问与评价是进行教学的一种形式,是教学过程中一项重要的活动方式。教师的评价在整个教学过程中,虽说是一个细节问题,但却忽视不得。教师评价得当,可激发学生兴趣,反之则会影响学生学习积极性,因此教师应该重视课堂评价的有效性。  关键词课堂评价原则 评价策略有效    在我们的课堂教学过程中,提问与评价是进行教学的一种形式,是教学过程中一项重要的活动方式。教师的评价在整个教学过程中,虽说是