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  Born in 1971, Zhuo described the place he grew up as a “slum” in Tianjin. Coming from a relatively poor family, he used to be a very shy and introverted person. Before entering the media industry, he worked as a secretary in a factory and later in a cinema.
  Always dreaming of being a journalist, Zhuo finally seized the chance to work for a local Tianjin newspaper in 2000.
  However, soon after he started out Zhuo discovered that general entertainment coverage held no challenge for him. Therefore, in 2003, he moved to Beijing and joined Big Star, one of the very first tabloid-styled weekly magazines in the Chinese mainland. Here he discovered his talent and passion for professional paparazzo work. More importantly, it was there that he met his business partner Feng Ke[冯科], who has cooperated with Zhuo ever since.
  At the beginning the two knew nothing about how to be paparazzi and it often took them half a month to get a single trace of information. They were also easily caught by celebrities when attempting to photograph them.
  Now, Zhuo has his own working studio and his team has extensive knowledge of celebrity license plate[牌照] numbers, addresses, likes and dislikes, and even keeps track of birthdays.
  His achievements as a paparazzo have changed Zhuo’s personality, making him a more talkative and positive person. “I am very grateful that I became a journalist. People like to look forward, but I like to look back. Since I know I’m in a better position than I was in the past, I’m more willing to work harder,” said Zhuo.
  Zhuo’s studio sells dozens of news stories to different entertainment channels and magazines every month, with each story worth about 1,000 to 2,000 yuan ($150-300) including photos and videos.
  For Zhuo, money was never the goal. He feels it his social responsibility to reveal both the truth and human nature.
  “People have some misunderstandings about us. One is that paparazzi don’t have moral values. Second is that we make a lot of money,” said Zhuo, adding that their principle is never to break the law—only film celebrities in public spaces, without involving any type of wiretap[窃听装置] or tracker, and to report only what has been proven to be true.
  For Zhuo, the most important thing is to love your job and believe in it. “We’ve faced tough times, misunderstandings and pressure but I’ve made it through them … I was born for this.”
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