探讨中学生早恋的心理特点,开展青春期教育,已成为中学加强思想政治工作的一项重要内容。中学生早恋的心理特点是: 一、欣喜与紧张的情感同时存在。情窦初开的中学生对性爱充满了新奇、喜悦的感情。正如一个中学生在信中写的那样:“课间操时,我翘首而望,看到了你的身影,心中有说不出的高兴。在甬道上,我们目光相遇的一刹那,我浑身像触电一样,感到脸在发热。我不敢再多看你一眼,因为同学在我的身边。”中学生由于担心家长的阻止、学校的批评、同学的议论……所以,在早恋喜悅的同时,又伴随着忧
To explore the psychological characteristics of middle school students’ early love and to develop adolescent education has become an important part of the ideological and political work in secondary schools. The psychological characteristics of middle school students’ early love are: First, the joy and tension of emotions exist at the same time. The middle school students who loved the sinus were full of sex and full of novelty and joy. As a middle school student wrote in the letter: “When I was fucked during the class, I looked forward and looked forward to seeing your presence. There was an unspeakable joy in my heart. On the ramp, the moment we met each other, I was like an electric shock. I feel like I’m afraid to look at you again. I don’t dare to look at you anymore, because my classmates are with me.” Because of concerns about parental stoppages, school criticism, and classmates’ discussions, middle school students are accompanied by joy in their early love. worry