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歌唱是以歌声来表达人的思想感情的,音是传情的手段,抒发情感才是歌唱的目的。要想真正唱好一部作品时,应先从歌曲所表达的思想感情入手,一首歌曲的词曲作者将他们的情感融入在歌词与旋律中,演唱者应该分析作者的创作意图,体会他们的思想感情,通过自己的情感体验结合对歌曲情感的理解,再加上熟练的演唱技巧来完成对作品的表现。 Singing is the voice of people to express the feelings of the people, the sound is a means of teaser, to express emotion is the purpose of singing. To truly sing a work, start with the thoughts and feelings expressed by the song. The songwriter of a song integrates their feelings into the lyrics and the melody. The singer should analyze the author’s creative intention and understand their Thoughts and feelings, through their emotional experience combined with the emotional understanding of the song, coupled with skilled singing skills to complete the performance of the work.
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