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2007年6月23日,自治区党委在宁夏社会科学院召开了“全区社会科学工作座谈会”。自治区党委书记陈建国,自治区党委常委、秘书长刘晓滨,自治区党委常委、宣传部长杨春光,自治区政府副主席张来武,自治区政协副主席金晓昀等领导出席座谈会。自治区党委宣传部、政研室、自治区党校、发改委、财政厅、政府研究室、社科院、社科联负责人,各高等院校党委分管副书记,自治区宣传文化系统各单位主要负责人和部分专家学者等代表60多人参加了会议。会议主题是“繁荣发展宁夏哲学社会科学事业,为自治区经济社会实现跨越式发展提供理论支撑和智力支持”。会议由自治区党委常委、宣传部长杨春光主持。宁夏社会科学院院长吴海鹰、党组书记齐岳在会议上作了汇报,自治区党校、北方民族大学、宁夏社会科学院、宁夏大学的代表张廉、闵文义、段庆林、喻世伟作了大会发言。陈建国书记发表了重要讲话,杨春光部长作了会议总结,并对下一步学习、贯彻陈建国书记的讲话作了具体部署。本刊选发了陈建国书记的讲话、杨春光部长的总结、吴海鹰院长的汇报材料及齐岳书记的发言,以体现自治区党委、政府对哲学社会科学工作的高度重视和对社科院以科研为中心各项工作的关心与支持。 On June 23, 2007, the regional party committee of the autonomous region convened the “Forum on Social Work in the Region” in Ningxia Academy of Social Sciences. Chen Jianguo, party secretary of the autonomous region, Liu Xiaobin, member of the standing committee and secretary general of the autonomous region, Yang Chunguang, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Propaganda Department of Autonomous Region, Zhang Laowu, vice chairman of the autonomous region government, and Jin Xiaoyun, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and other leaders attended the symposium. Regional Party Committee Propaganda Department, Political Department, Autonomous Region Party School, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance, Government Research Office, Academy of Social Sciences, Social Science Association, the deputy secretary of the higher education institutions, autonomous regions and cultural propaganda and cultural system of the main units and Some experts and scholars on behalf of more than 60 people attended the meeting. The theme of the conference is “to promote the prosperity and development of the philosophy and social sciences in Ningxia and provide theoretical support and intellectual support for the economic and social development in the autonomous region by leaps and bounds.” The meeting was chaired by Yang Chunguang, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Propaganda Department of the autonomous region. Ninghai Academy of Social Sciences Wu Haiying, party secretary Qi Yue made a report at the meeting, the regional party school, the Northern People’s University, Ningxia Academy of Social Sciences, Ningxia University, Zhang Lian, Min Wenyi, Duan Qinglin, Yu Shiwei made a speech. Secretary Chen Jianguo delivered an important speech. Minister Yang Chunguang made a summary of the meeting and made specific arrangements for the next step in his speech on studying and implementing Chen Jianguo’s secretary. The journal electoral secretary Chen Jianguo’s speech, Minister Yang Chunguang summary, Wu Haiying Dean’s report material and the statement by Secretary Qi Yue, in order to reflect the autonomous regional party committee and government attaches great importance to the philosophy and social sciences work and the CASS research For the center of the work of concern and support.
摘 要:在国际经济市场日益自由的当今,金融、贸易与股市三者间有着错综复杂的相互联系与制约的关系,因此本文通过对相关案例以及大数据的分析表明,中国的金融市场的到较高的自由度与中美股市的互动并没有明显的关系,其实是贸易强度是主要促进中国股市联动的主要推手,相比前几年,中国贸易的由原先较高自由度到与美国股市相互制约的过程,可能正是由于中国市场自由化的制约,因此使得现阶段中美股市的联动效果还没有达到预期的
目的寻求适宜城乡地区子宫颈癌及其癌前病变的筛查方法。方法以我县城乡25~59岁的20 000例已婚妇女作为研究对象,进行以人群为基础的子宫颈癌筛查。对符合条件的妇女进行宫颈