
来源 :英语沙龙(实战版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyanan508
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到目前为止,托福的听力部分历来是考试中考生得分最低的部分。这和中国学生缺乏语言环境、英语教育不注重听说有关,造成了考生实际听力水平普遍不高。本文针对考生在听力方面与实际考试要求的差距,就提高听力水平,尤其是应对托福听力测试部分提出了以下解决方法。托福考试的听力测试分为三个部分,共有30个短对话、2个长对话和3篇短文。听力的短对话主要是一个学习的场景,所以可以根据这个具体的场景来听,比如说各种学校学习生活的场景。第二部分长对话,也是关于生活和课堂的场景。第三部分短文,有大量的词汇,比较难,也可能是一些新闻稿,或者是行业题材,比如说植物学、动物学、物理等。 So far, the listening part of TOEFL has traditionally been the lowest scoring part of the test. This is related to the lack of language environment in Chinese students and the fact that English education does not pay attention to listening and speaking, which results in the fact that the actual listening level of candidates is generally not high. This article addresses the gap between candidates’ listening requirements and the actual test requirements, and proposes the following solutions to improve the listening level, especially the TOEFL listening test. The TOEFL test consists of three parts. There are 30 short conversations, 2 long conversations and 3 short essays. The short listening dialogue is mainly a learning scene, so you can listen to this specific scene, such as the scenes of learning and living in various schools. The second part of the long dialogue is also a scene about life and class. The third part of the short essay, with a lot of vocabulary, is more difficult, it may be a press release, or an industry theme, such as botany, zoology, physics, etc.
一个全面进攻,一个全线阻击,这场争战让市场老大如芒在背    成都人爱吃、会吃天下闻名,餐饮业非常繁荣。因此,没有哪个啤酒品牌不想在成都圈地跑马,剑指整个西部市场。  然而,80%多的市场占有率,让华润蓝剑在成都啤市呈一统江湖之势,旗下雪花、蓝剑两大品牌把整个成都罩得几乎密不透风。但是,啤酒业的“华南虎”深圳金威啤酒,却不畏蜀道难,向华润发起了强劲的挑战。  去年6月,金威成都分厂落成投产头一个月
“中国制造”危机是中国产业融入全球化过程中所必然付出的代价。经历这次事件之后,“中国制造”或许将调整思维和战略,找回令人自豪的繁荣景象。 “Made in China ” cris
由连词连接而成的并列结构表达条件意义的形式很多。本文拟介绍以下三个连词表示条件意义的结构: 一、and and之前的部分常表示条件,之后部分表示结果,常见的并列结构形式有
bear a grudge这一习语的意思为“怀有不满”,“怀恨”。1.Mary won’t speak to John becauseshe still bears a grudge against him for his rudeness last year.玛丽不与