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  Abstract:As one of the three major subjects in the high school curriculum, English is of obvious importance. However, in the traditional teaching, the teacher's explanation of English is obscure. Students are not interested in English and even fear English. Cooperative learning is a very popular teaching model in the field of education in recent years. It is conducive to mobilizing students 'enthusiasm and arousing students' interest in learning. Based on the research results at home and abroad, this paper investigates the interest of senior high school students in English, the use of cooperative learning in English classroom and the attitude of students to cooperative learning. Through the survey, it was found that students have little interest in English learning. Cooperative learning is used less frequently in high school English classes. Students like to use cooperative learning to learn. In view of the results of this survey, this paper proposes that we can adopt cooperative learning methods in high school English writing class, such as: reasonable formation of cooperative learning groups, guidance to guide the group members to learn from each other, and the establishment of group evaluation and reward mechanism. In this way, we try to link cooperative learning with writing teaching, hoping that this new model can enhance students 'enthusiasm for learning English.
  Key words: senior high school students; cooperative learning; English teaching
  Cooperative learning is mainly based on the interaction between students . It is based on the learning group as the basic organizational form, and the group performance as the evaluation standard to jointly achieve the teaching objectives. It emerged in the United States in the 1970s and have developed rapidly in the past decade and have been applied to different aspects of learning in various disciplines. It is more flexible than the traditional teaching model, and it is easier to motivate students to participate in the classroom. In English learning, it can stimulate and improve students’ enthusiasm for learning English. Using the learning method of cooperative learning, the teacher will assign each student a task so that each student can participate, greatly cultivating the ability of students to find problems, analyze problems, and solve problems.
  In previous studies, scholars mainly analyzed the difficulties of students learning English, but few people put forward practical suggestions for implementation. In this thesis, it aims to study the learning model of cooperative learning and try to propose how to apply it to high school English learning in order to increase students’ interest in English learning.   Cooperative learning is not only a new teaching method, but also a new teaching concept. It is a two-way interactive teaching form. Through the communication between peers, they acquire knowledge and improve their English learning ability. Cooperative learning can enable students to better learn to communicate with others and meet their needs for belonging to love. Based on this, they learn to respect each other, appreciate each other, realize their potential, and eventually realize their own worth.
  From the survey, the author has explored the status quo of implementing cooperative learning in high English classroom. In the attitude to cooperative learning, because the school has used cooperative learning for several years and often distributes some learning materials, coupled with the teacher’s own exploration of cooperative learning, students are not unfamiliar with cooperative teaching strategies. In terms of grouping, most teachers often arrange students’ seats and groups according to their grades. A small number of teachers will adjust the number of people in the group according to the teaching goals and the difficulty of learning tasks. In terms of evaluation mechanism, teachers’ comments can follow the modern educational evaluation concept-incentive evaluation. Positive comments have the incentive effect, stimulate students’ motivation to study, and enhance students’ sense of self-efficacy. However, the study also found that there are some shortcomings in the use of this teaching method: unreasonable grouping, students’ inadequate participation in activities, inappropriate learning tasks, undefined teachers’ role, and the simple evaluation methods.
  According to the discovered problems, corresponding improvement suggestions have been proposed: making reasonable formation of learning groups, choosing the right content and the right time in cooperative learning, and clearing teacher roles. It is expected that in this way it will eventually greatly improve the students’ language application ability, effectively complete the English teaching task, and improve the teaching quality.
  It is hoped that in the future more researchers and frontline teachers will get involved in the cooperative teaching exploration to increasingly optimize the cooperation of learning.
摘要:按国际惯例当一个国家60岁以上人口总数超过国家人口总数的百分之十时,这个国家便进入老龄化。中国在2000年就已经进入老龄化社会,在2050年老龄化人口更是达到了人口总数的三分之一,人口老龄化给国家带来了巨大的压力,考验着国家对老年人的养老保障能力,本文将阐述养老院的优化构建,致力于推进国家养老服务行业发展,保障老年人养老需求。  关键词:人口老龄化;老年人;养老服务  中国自2000年进入老
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摘要:《脱口秀大会》深受人们的喜爱,与该节目中由于违反格莱斯会话合作原则而产生的幽默密不可分,人们直接对话或者间接引用对话有意无意中违反了合作原则,由此产生了幽默。  关键词:合作原则;幽默  一、合作原则  格莱斯会话合作原则包含量准则、质准则、关系准则、方式准则。为了保证对话顺利进行,应遵循以上准则,但人们有意无意地违反这些准则,则会产生幽默风趣的效果。笔者以《脱口秀大会》中的对话(直接对话或
东升的朝阳,和煦的暖风,沁人的花香,清脆的鸟鸣,春季如约而至。伴着清晨的第一缕阳光,踏上跑道,呼吸着初春泥土的芬芳,以这样的方式开启新的一天何尝不是一种享受?  生命在于运动,生命不息,运动不止。运动使我们健康,我们强健的体魄是实现健康中国的根基。曾几何时,我们被嘲笑为东亚病夫,堂堂男子汉却手无缚鸡之力,那时的中国国家衰败,权贵们只顾争权夺利,醉生梦死。普通百姓吸食鸦片,混吃等死。妇女守在家中,缠
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