汽车维修职业培训模式研究 ——以江苏省交通技师学院汽车维修职业培训为例

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发展现代职业教育培训、培养数以百万计的技能人才是推进经济社会发展和产业转型升级的重要基础,是促进更高质量就业和持续改善民生的有效举措。江苏省交通技师学院充分发挥交通运输行业优势和省级职业教育实训基地——汽车维修实训基地资源优势,面向汽车维修行业和镇江市及周边汽车维修企业,采取多形式培训方式,开展汽车维修职业技能培训,形成了由培训计划、培训过程、评估反馈三个阶段构成的培训体系,在汽车维修行业树立了优质品牌,为当前职业教育培训提供借鉴。 To develop modern vocational education and training and to train millions of skilled personnel is an important foundation for promoting economic and social development and industrial restructuring and upgrading. It is also an effective measure to promote higher-quality employment and continue to improve people’s livelihood. Jiangsu Province, transport technicians give full play to the advantages of transportation industry and provincial vocational education training base - vehicle maintenance training base for the resource advantages for the automotive repair industry and vehicle maintenance enterprises in Zhenjiang City and the surrounding, to take a multi-form training to carry out the car Maintenance of vocational skills training, formed by the training plan, the training process, evaluation and feedback of the three stages of the formation of the training system, set up a high-quality brand in the automotive repair industry, to provide reference for the current occupation education and training.
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